They Found Hell

4.2| 1h30m| en

When a group of gifted college students run a secret teleportation experiment, they accidentally open a portal to another dimension, trapping them in Hell. One by one they are hunted, tortured and killed by the denizens of Hell who are bent on stealing their souls.


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Patience Watson One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.
Sanjeev Waters A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
lisabisa-98273 In my opinion it is no movie that is a must have. The "hooks" weren't very catchy and I did not enjoyed watching it. The idea was good but the movie wasn't.
Peter Pluymers "Abandon all hope, all ye who enter here.""They found hell" isn't a cryptic or symbolic movie title. It's just literally where a group of students ended up in this 80's feeling Science Fiction horror. After ten minutes you realize that this isn't a spectacular release for major cinemas. It's a film suitable for the SyFy channel. Not only because it contains some absurdities or because of the somewhat dated special effects, but also due to the poor acting as well. But despite these shortcomings, I still managed to sit out the entire film.The most striking feature of this movie is the ridiculous short intro. After some craters appear in Russia (no idea how they turned up there and don't expect any explanation) a group of young people hurry back to their lab to resume a kind of experiment with a teleporter. Before they know it, another flaming crater appears again (pitifully bad effects by the way) and almost the entire gang is drawn into this devilish hole. The lack of any explanation about the nature and purpose of this experiment caused the first irritation. Apparently the absence of all this is necessary to get the teenagers as fast as possibly there where they should be. And that's hell.A devilish intro, so to speak. And that it's hell where they ended up, is emphasized in the dialogue between the group members. The second irritation moment. It was a bit too much for me after hearing these ambiguous statements for the umpteenth time: "What the hell?", "Where the hell are we?", "What the hell happened?" and "It's hot as hell down here". And hearing for the thousandth time someone calling for help (meanwhile they surely realized it wasn't really clever to yell loudly in this place) began to get on my nerves as well. And believe me, I lost count of how many times "Oh my God" was used. Were they hoping for help from a divine, heavenly person? It was obvious they were in hell. This was as clear as daylight after they deciphered a Latin phrase that was written above a wooden gate: "Omens relinquite spes, o vos intrantes". A quote from Dante which was eventually spelled wrong as well.And yet there were also some positive points in this mediocre movie. I thought the decors were very successful at times. A chaotic and terrifying place where the victims were confronted with their own fears. They ended up in different places, which resulted in different angles of incidence. I got a real "Dungeon Keeper" feeling when watching this. Especially the demonic and repulsive-looking "collector", pulling a rickety cart full of rotting corpses, was magnificent. The ferryman who could provide a possible way out (after paying of course) looked rather spooky. Some scenes were similar to those of other famous movies such as "Evil Dead" and "Saw". Expect also some gore fragments (which were mostly a bit exaggerated).As befits a true B-movie, the performances were simply mediocre and at times really annoying. Most of them were unknown actors. And the final climax lay in the line of the entire film. Also incomprehensible and unexplained. Maybe it wasn't the best SF/Horror, but I've seen worse. That's for sure. More reviews here :
GL84 Conducting an experiment in the desert, a group of college students are thrust into a different dimension that is the literal personification of Hell and must find a way of navigating through the treacherous demons and creatures in order to get back to the surface.Despite some minor problems, this was quite an enjoyable and thrilling effort with a lot to like. The biggest thing to this one is the fact that it manages to get this one started off and going almost immediately with the opening dimensional rift found even before finishing the credits and then managing to get them down into the demonic levels not far afterward that manages to mean the pace here is truly frenetic and breakneck. That it means a lot of time here exploring this creepy location and encountering the creepy-looking creatures and demons throughout here is what really tends to drive this one, managing to further place a lot of action here as their continuous need to escape from the creatures really drives this one nicely. There's more action in here than expected because of this, with people being forced to run through thick overgrown forests to get away from the creatures lurking within the forest, a series of rooms designed for the dismemberment and disposal of bodies, a gloriously deceptive Gothic church that should've been a grand giveaway about the purposes of the scene, out into the woods to be chased by the dogs and down into the pit with the giant pendulum above them that serves as quite a nasty surprise throughout here, and with all these different locations and encounters throughout here there's just a frantic and never-ending assault of confrontations here. These are dark, chilling and take advantage of literature and history quite nicely by offering plenty of call-backs and nods to how Hell has been played up throughout the ages from the demons gathering bodies into fire pits, holding souls prisoner until the time to collect them and move them to torture pits guarded over by ravenous zombies and other demented ghouls which makes for a thrilling time throughout here. Combined with the strong make-up work on the creatures and the bloody deaths from the numerous kills here, there's a lot to like here without a whole lot of flaws. The only real flaw present in this one is the film's continuous flipping back to the adventures of the student and professor back on campus attempting to fix the ramifications of the experiment, which don't really seem all that vital or contribute much of anything to the film beyond simply taking time away from the group down in Hell by mainly spilling scientific psychobabble that doesn't make any sense. While it's necessary to show how they're attempting to get them back to the surface, the whole kidnapping and holding hostage angle mixed alongside these overly nonsensical scientific discussions aren't the way it should happen. Likewise, the CGI is a little troubling, following the same patterns as many of these Sci-Fi Channel originals but that's to be expected here and doesn't really hurt it the way the other one does.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Language.
jlthornb51 Visionary director Nick Lyon creates one of the most satisfying science fiction films of the last year with this low-budget masterpiece. With an intelligent script and excellent production values, Lyon manages to start building the suspense and thrills from virtually the opening sequence. As a group of young, adventurous students open a dimension unknown, they are confronted with a horror that may well be Hell and must fight for their very lives as well as a way out. The challenges that face them are as immense as they are terrifying and the creatures they are met by are some of the most horrible ever filmed. Spectacular make-up makes for some deeply disturbing imagery, with the denizens of this hellish landscape truly beyond any imagination. The characters are almost immediately put in this situation and their is little time for character development. But director Lyon, working with a cast of some very exciting young actors, allows the skills of his stars to work some real magic and before long, these are people the audience has come to care about very much. Kabby Borders as Ava is stunning and Hunter Canedy in the role of Ward is particularly good, bringing depth and substance to their characters. The rest of the cast is equally extraordinary and one of the pleasures of this film are the breathtaking characterizations and strong acting. These are actors we are sure to see much more of in the near future. With a script that transcends clichés and gives the audience something important to consider, this is science fiction that's a cut above the usual SyFy production. A pleasant surprise indeed for the discriminating viewer and a film that may haunt you with its power for some time to come!