They Go Boom!

7.2| 0h20m| NR| en

Stan and Ollie try to sleep in a room-for-rent. Ollie, suffering from a cold, coughs frequently, while Stan snores. Both of them have trouble falling asleep because of this. They try to solve their problems, but this results in total chaos.


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Hal Roach Studios


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AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
alexanderdavies-99382 "They Go Boom" is a typical example of how Laurel and Hardy could achieve comedy gold via the most simple means. They never needed extravagant production values or generous filming schedules in order to be very funny. The comedy flowed very naturally and resulting from needing a few simple props and basic sets. "They Go Boom" is one of them. The laughs come so thick and fast, I have to hold my sides together! The setting is a rooming house and the comedy all takes place in one room - ideal. Ollie is in bed with the flu and as if that isn't bad enough, Stan attempts to cure him...... Poor Ollie is sneezing away as Stan creates so much havoc in his sincere efforts to help his friend. Charlie Hall plays the rather surly landlord (who else?) and soon makes his feelings known after being awoken in the night. Don't miss this classic!
VictorianCushionCat 'They go boom' was one of the first talkie Laurel and Hardy efforts and sets the standard for the physical punishment that Hardys character would endure in many shorts there-after.The nice touch with this film is that whilst as per usual Ollie has to suffer at the innocent but destructive hands of Stan, including the usual nasty knocks complemented by anguished looks to camera, this time he takes it whilst suffering a nasty cold.Highlights include a classic 'nail in water-pipe' incident, air mattress explosion, multiple head knocks and an overblown air mattress and through the laughter you are only human if you feel just a little sympathy for Ollie.Definitely one of the best Laurel and Hardy shorts to catch if like me, you're a fan of the slapstick humour and find nothing funnier than Oliver Hardy getting hurt, then sharing his pain with the audience so convincingly.
Boba_Fett1138 Perhaps it's because that this movie is probably the Laurel & Hardy short I've seen most in my life that I got sort of tiresome of watching it but I don't find this movie to be the most hilarious or best constructed and executed Laurel & Hardy comedy short around. But you know, when you watch this movie objectively just for what it is, so not necessarily as a part of the Laurel & Hardy shorts alone you have to conclude that this is a pretty entertaining and fun little movie.The movie its premise is extremely simple and gives both Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardsy to let their comical talents shine, since they're basically the only two actors in the movie, except for the last couple of minutes in which Laurel & Hardy regular Charlie Hall, among others, shows up as the landlord. The comical routines are rather simple but I guess they are effective enough, since they surely amuse. It just isn't the most hilarious or imaginative Laurel & Hardy comedy around but that doesn't of course mean that this movie is bad or not entertaining.7/10
Prichards12345 Don't you just hate a bad cold? The viewer can sympathise with Ollie 100% with his case of the "sniffles", as Stan puts it. The poor guy's up at 3AM and can't stop sneezing. Done that, T-shirt long in the trashcan.What you don't want to do is ask Stan for help. Mustard bath cures -must NOT try that one! And don't you just know, at some point, that the picture with the cute homily "Keep Smiling" is going to wrap Ollie's skull? In truth this isn't one of their better films. It has it's moments, but by and large the gags don't quite come off. Stan and Oliver on a sniffle day, if you like. Never the less it's worth watching, possibly best seen when the demon virus has yourself in it's grip.