Three on a Meathook

1972 "A Padlocked Shed, Hooks of Cold Steel -- a Maniac on the loose"
4.4| 1h17m| R| en

Four girls go on a romping weekend at a lake, and have car problems on the way home. A nice local boy takes them back to his farm, where he lives with his father. Something ghastly happens, but the father helps his son as he has in the past. When the boy meets a girl and begins falling in love, the father worries about a repeat performance.


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Studio 1 Productions


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Also starring James Carroll Pickett

Also starring Sherry Steiner


WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
InjunNose An isolated farmhouse, a surly middle-aged redneck who smokes an unusual kind of meat ("It's the only meat like it in these parts," avers his troubled son), and lots of slinky female victims are the ingredients of this dreary, no-budget "Psycho" knockoff. It's awkwardly funny in spots, but not fun: without all the horror props that played such a major part in his previous film "Asylum of Satan", director William Girdler's limitations are painfully evident. Charles Kissinger turns in a decent performance as the aforementioned purveyor of smoked meat, and there are some appropriately low-rent gore effects by former Herschell Gordon Lewis acolyte Pat Patterson, but the film loses steam about twenty minutes in and never recovers. If you grew up renting horror movies every Friday night at your local VHS outlet, you might be able to muster some affection for "Three on a Meathook"; if not, you'll probably just feel mildly annoyed.
BA_Harrison Low budget drive-in horror Three On A Meathook opens in fine exploitative fashion with a naked young blonde frolicking with her man (instant gratuitous female nudity: always a winner). She hops out of bed, slips into a vest top and hot-pants and goes to meet three girlfriends for a weekend of boating and skinny dipping (more nudity). Experiencing car trouble while driving back from the lake, the four girls find themselves stranded in the middle of nowhere, but are rescued by passing motorist Billy (James Carroll Pickett), who invites them to stay the night at his pa's farm. None of them make it to the morning alive: one is stabbed while in the bath (even more nudity), two are blasted with a shotgun, and the last is beheaded with an axe. So far, so entertaining.Sadly, the film goes seriously downhill after this…Billy's father, shocked at his son's behaviour, sends the lad into town while he cleans up the mess. Cue an awful lot of padding to beef up the running time, Billy mooching through the streets, taking in a band (who play two songs in their entirety), and visiting a bar, where he meets lovely waitress Sherry (Sherry Steiner), who takes the lad home. Waking up the next morning in bed with Sherry, who is still very much alive, Billy decides to spend the day with the girl, which results in a whole lot more filler, as the couple get to know each other. Before Billy leaves, he invites Sherry to his home, who turns up at the farm a few days later with friend Becky (Madelyn Buzzard). Director William Girdler pads out the running time even further as Billy, Sherry and Becky enjoy the simple pleasures of the countryside. Boring, boring, boring.Thankfully, things pick up again for the finish, poor Becky getting a pick-axe in her chest, and Sherry confronted by the killer (who, in a not very clever twist, is exactly who you probably thought it was about an hour earlier). It's during this climax that we finally see the Three On A Meathook—for all of a couple of seconds.
AngryChair Ultra-low-budget, skid row version of Psycho lands firmly in the category of so-bad-its-good!Why is it that every time handsome, young Billy brings a girl home that she ends up butchered?One of a number of drive-in horror flicks that William Girdler made in the '70's, this one being fairly memorable. As with many films of its budget, the raw, natural settings add to the moody believability of the picture. James Pickett turns in a decent performance as the films main character, who seems to have some problems indeed. Charles Kissinger plays off well enough as Pickett's odd father. Girdler gives the film a gritty, but nicely moody music score.As with many exploitation films of its day, there's plenty of gore and skin to see. After all, what would you expect from a movie with this memorable title! All in all, Three on a Meathook is a film that's certainly not for all tastes! Fans of the B genre, especially from this era will likely enjoy this horrific and unintentional funny flick.** 1/2 out of ****
DocEmmettBrown Titles like this don't come along everyday.Sadly, the title is about the most appealing part if this little 70's oddity.<Spoilers>'Based on the true story of Ed Gein' (someone should really copyright that), it tells the tale of a young man who is accused of doing terrible things by his domineering father, or did he?The main problem with this film is the pacing. Despite its 80 minute run time there is an incredible amount of filler and very little action. The opening quadruple murder flashes by in a .. er .. flash yet a scene featuring characters walking through a field goes on for an age. The worst example however is a scene in which our protagonist goes to a bar to think. While he sits in meditation we are treated to TWO FULL SONGS by the bar band!The whole love interest sub plot does little to enhance the plot and just gives the excuse for more filler.Some credit must be given for the ludicrous ending. Part of the twist is patently guessable though the extra little family secret makes for an amusing surprise.If you're really into your Ed Gein films check out Deranged instead.