Three Suns

2.7| 1h42m| en

An epic drama set in the 14th century. Hanna leaves her family to meet her husband after 4 years spent in the East during a long war. Hanna will find herself fighting for her love, her children and her life.


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Ploydsge just watch it!
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Lancoor A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Chelle This was the first Swedish movie (except Josef Fares' movies and Vuxna Människor) that I saw from the beginning to the end. Not because it was exciting or incredibly interesting, but because our extremely boring Swedish teacher forced my class to see it.After have seen Tre Solar I have also come to the conclusion that she also had extremely bad taste.Why Tre Solar is awful: 1. The script was probably printed on an A3-paper, there are approximately 3 lines in this movie. 2. The props is horrible, maybe because of the low budget or a lack of inspiration. 3. The actors are showing a complete lack of knowledge about acting.All of this results in Tre Solar being an excruciating horrible and sad, sad movie.It is also sad to see that splendid actors such as Rolf Lassgård and Rikard Wolf chose to participate in this movie.
Enchorde ** IF POSSIBLE THERE ARE SPOILERS HERE **Hanna has lived for four years alone with her kids since her husband went abroad to join a crusade (or something like it). Now, a messenger brings the news that her husband is coming home and she leaves her village to go to the harbor to greet him. But danger lurks everywhere, the plague has come to the land. Hanna meets a lot of characters along her journey (which seems to go on forever without getting anywhere). She meets Joel, who has lost his family to the plague and a she meets a girl, abused as sacrifice by a corrupted priest. She meets the imprisoned Torben and the abandoned Emma, whose husband has closed the city gates and refuses to let anyone in. Finally she finds her husband Ulf, but the once powerful and happy man is now an addict to some foreign substance, barely able to speak. Hanna feels that her husband has betrayed her and leaves him, just to come back a few days later to pick him up again. Then the girl get struck by the plague and everything seems to go wrong at once...A movie with lot of known and good Swedish actors, but many has small roles. This is a road movie, set in medieval times, without any roads. The main character goes around thinking, contemplating and meeting different characters. There are many long shots of riding and few with any real action. The plot becomes very slow and dull. When Hanna actually meets anyone, it seems like all suspense and emotions that lack from other parts must be said in just one sentence. This gives greeting sentences with threats of rape and murder as the norm which seems very uncharacteristic. The dialog which could bring the plot forward instead seem odd and stupid. In addition, Hanna seems inconsistent with herself and her own motives. The only good things are that Lena Endre seem to try to do her best with the material she haves, and that the scenery and outfits are good. However, a real dull experience.3/10
Mattias Petersson Yet another failure for swedish cinema! There should be no question that Sweden has the most pretentious and arrogant film-makers in the world. They simply don´t make the films people want to see, they make this crap instead. Which would be perfectly alright if part of the films budget didn´t come from tax money, which it does!This is a sorry mess of a film. The only hint that a quite substantial amount of money (in Swedish terms) has gone into this project is the technical aspects. The photo is not too bad and the music is tolerable. Also the cast are almost all swedish "stars". Unfortunately most of these actors seem to think the movie is as silly as i do, sometimes they come terribly close to making fun of the movie.And there is actually a lot of things to make fun of. First off the acting is mostly terrible. Only the lead actress (Lena Endre) really seems to take this film seriously. The rest act like they´re out on a masquerade or something, talking like it´s 2003 instead of 1300-something. Also the actors look silly, especially due to the horrible whigs they are wearing throughout the movie.But most of this could have been forgiven if not for the one most fatal flaw. Namely the total lack of a decent script. Seriously this movie is about nothing. Mostly it´s just people riding back and forth through a desolate landscape. The story is... nothing really. Which ultimately makes this film utterly pointless.This is truly a 1/10.
knytan The criticism this film has received is totally unwarranted. One Swedish critic dubbed it the "turkey of the year", which is unnecessarily cruel and absurd. I have seen many other films that I would consider much worse. This leads me to wonder if the critique is against the movie itself or the people who created it.Tre Solar has an interesting story line. It revolves around how people react to times of crisis and change. It is looks at religion, class, and gender roles. Set in the middle ages, the lead is a strong female character (Hannah). She rescues her husband and several others, on a journey to reunite her family. The story emphasizes through numerous examples that Hannah is unafraid and willing to do anything it takes, even sacrifice herself, for the ones she loves.I think this was a very ambitious project. The setting (in the Middle Ages) and movement through the film make it a challenge, not to mention the topics it presents. The film is not as smooth as a big budget film. However it is an interesting story and the southern Swedish landscapes create a beautiful setting.Anyone who only focuses on the wigs, obviously missed the point of this film.