Three to Tango

1999 "All's fair in the war of love."
6| 1h38m| PG-13| en

Oscar and Peter land a career-making opportunity when a Chicago tycoon chooses them to compete for the design of a cultural center. The tycoon mistakenly believes that Oscar is gay and has him spy on his mistress Amy. Oscar goes along with it and ends up falling in love with Amy.


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Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Paul J. Nemecek One of the several new movies opening this weekend is the comedy farce Three to Tango. In this ultralight vehicle Matthew Perry plays a partner in architectural firm. His partner is played by the ubiquitous Oliver Platt (A Time to Kill, Indecent Proposal, The Three Musketeers). To make a thin story short, Perry and Platt really need the multi-million dollar project they are bidding on. The millionaire who will fund the contract (played by Dermot Mulroney) needs someone safe to keep an eye on his mistress. Due to a misunderstanding, Mulroney thinks Perry is gay (actually Platt is gay). Perry is commissioned to be the chaperone who must avoid falling in love with his charge (Neve Campbell). He does. So does she. What a mess!And what a mess just about says it all. The only stroke of genius here is in the casting. The two main characters are one-dimensional caricatures. Fortunately, the casting director was able to find two actors who have become real-life one-dimensional caricatures (Perry and Campbell). The real tragedy here is that there are some great supporting actors relegated to mindless supporting roles. I usually divide movies into categories: see it at the theater, wait for the video, or wait for it to come on television. This film deserves a whole new category--wait until you find someone that needs to be tortured.The good news is that there is another film playing that, while a bit light and predictable, is also charming and witty with some great performances. The Story of Us is directed by Rob Reiner (When Harry Met Sally, A Few Good Men, Princess Bride). Bruce Willis and Michelle Pfeiffer play a middle-aged couple who have lost that lovin' feeling and don't know what to do about it. The plot line is predictable, but there are some great scenes along the way, and some witty lines scattered throughout. Rita Wilson has one of the more memorable scenes as she skewers thoughtless males everywhere. There are some wonderful montage sequences with great accompaniment by Eric Clapton.The Story of Us is not great art, but it is a timely story told with a wonderfully wry sense of humor and some excellent pacing throughout. Willis and Pfeiffer are at their charming best, and it is worth sitting through the entire movie just to see Michelle Pfeiffer's speech at the end of the film. If you are trying to choose between these two films, the choice is clear. Reiner's The Story of Us is a solid triple while Three to Tango strikes out with just three pitches.
Boba_Fett1138 It feels like the movie was trying to hard to be comical, with formulaic predictable comical moments, fast directing and editing and a typical comical musical score, that desperately tries to make some sequences look and feel more comical. The movie comically mostly relies on cheap gay jokes. With handling gay subjects in American movies always feel 10 years behind in time. It doesn't make the story and movie feel like the most original or clever one. The movie does have its fun and humorous moments but its not ever anything too hilarious. Luckily the movie does work better on its romantic levels. In that regard this movie is a pretty enjoyable and sweet one.It's still a well made movie. Seems to me that Damon Santostefano really is not bad director. Things flow well and it makes this movie a rather enjoyable 98 minutes. The movie has the power to make you forget how incredibly formulaic it all is while you're watching it but in the end you'll realize that this movie really isn't the best or most original movie around in its genre. Also the standard bittersweet ending doesn't help much to this.Matthew Perry isn't good enough to carry this movie. It was just too much his Chandler role from "Friends" all over again. It was as if he wasn't even trying to play a totally different comedy character. A different haircut is simply just not enough. Dylan McDermott on the other hand was simply good in his role and so was Neve Campbell, whose career unfortunately seems to go nowhere. But the supporting cast is perhaps even better and more impressive with high caliber actors such as Oliver Platt, John C. McGinley, Rick Gomez and Bob Balaban, though they certainly aren't their best playing comical roles, with the exception of John C. McGinley. who is great in basically every kind of role. Too bad his and other roles in the movie are too insignificant.Very well watchable, despite being not the best or most original in its genre.6/10
CaSiO3-86 Matthew Perry, Neve Campbell, Dylan McDermott and Oliver Platt. Great cast like that should have made a great movie. This movie wasn't really that funny... Really disappointing. The script was bad, the whole story was terrible. Even the acting was bad. Most of the stuff that happens in the movie was unbelievable. I'm a real big fan of Neve Campbell, but sadly, she didn't do very well in this one... : (Why, oh why?!?
bob the moo While trying to win a design contract from tycoon Charles Newman, Oscar Novak and his business partner Peter Steinberg give the wrong impression that they are gay. Peter is but Oscar is straight. Seizing on this, Charles asks Oscar to spy on his mistress, Amy Post, to make sure she isn't falling in with her old boyfriends – Oscar agrees to help out as he thinks it will give them a boost in the tendering process. However Amy takes to her new friend easily and Oscar finds himself starting to fall for her while his $90million contract seems ever closer yet far away.My wife taped this film and it sat for quite some time before either of us dared to suggest we spend an evening in watching it. However we did and neither expected much of it, which was good as the film delivered just that – nothing much. The plot is forced to the point that you know exactly where it wants to go but will be amused by the scenarios the writer came up with to make them happen. While it serves to lampoon straight men and their (apparently all encompassing) homophobia, it is essentially just a standard rom-com which sticks by the rules and goes where you expect it to.The comedy is a little too stretched with some nice gags but mostly laughs come from the exaggerated set ups from the writers. The fact that Oscar and Amy's `date' goes as wrong as it does defies sense and makes it feel like the film is just pushing the boat out to try and win laughs without putting in the groundwork. This takes away from what could have been fresh and witty and just makes it feel forced and slightly silly.While the basic chemistry between Perry and Campbell is quite good, the onscreen relationship is given no time to develop and it never convinces, especially towards the end where it has to go all `pining' and soft music. Perry is OK but does his usual stuff without really getting out of his well worn career rut of typecasting. Campbell is given so little to do that she appears no more than a shadow of a beautiful woman. Worse off is McDermott who has no character to speak of. Platt fares the best of all but even he can't rise above the material – he has the odd good line but too many that are weak.Overall I doubt anyone will come to this film expecting greatness which is just as well as it is distinctly average at best. The film's swipe at homophobia is lost in the noise, clutter and cliché of a romantic comedy trying to force the jokes rather than overflowing with them naturally. Passable for 90 minutes but just don't expect more than that.