Tiger Orange

2014 "Do We Stand Out or Do We Fit In?"
6.5| 1h15m| en

In the small Central California town where they grew up, two estranged gay brothers struggle to reconnect after the recent death of their father.


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Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Paul Creeden I was thrilled to see a famous gay male porn star break through to a mainstream gay film. Frankie Valenti/Johnny Hazzard brought more than his killer looks and ink to this film. I think he saved it. His masculine and unshakable character rang truer than most portrayals of sexual gay men in small gay films. He was hot and natural.The other lead character, Chet, played by writer Mark Strano, was well written. I think Strano did his best to translate his script but the character came across as clinically depressed rather than likable and conflicted. Nothing that a little anti-depressant might have cured probably. Not to say that the character was unrepresentative of closeted gay men in the hinterlands. Just that depression isn't that interesting to watch.A good Netflix addition. Not too badly gay-genre typical. Still not "A Single Man" or "Stranger by the Lake".
Joe Day No one seems to mention this is a play on the Biblical Prodigal Son. As such, it is interesting that the leads are homosexual. Imagine if, in the Bible, that is why the younger son left!I have only seen about 20 minutes and I could already tell, from the body ink of the lost son, that he was a porn star, amateur or otherwise since that is how they look nowadays. It is also interesting that, as in the Bible, the younger son goes off to live a life of total debauchery and comes home because regardless of his "charm and talent", no one wants him for anything but his body either and they get tired of that too - been there, done that, see ya, it's been fun, etc.I can also tell that the Elder Brother is a bit envious of the daring do of his little brother although I do not think he would like it for long.The setup had the father, who by all accounts was a good one, simply admonishing his young sons against sodomy. What is so bad about that? Nowadays, I guess it is child abuse. Sigh.So the younger son resented Daddy; he stole Barbie Dolls from his school friends and of course this was cool because he had already seen Big Brother's Blue Boy mag. Did they fool around ever?And then he went off to seek his fortune or to get out of that stinkin small town where nobody can be gay, yadda yadda yadda. And of course he has that "look" that gets you picked up in 10 seconds because well, you have that "look." Are we supposed to blame all his problems on daddy?I am on a gay film fest this week just to see what the world is propagandizing in that area. Next, some flick about gay boys who like "bears." It's a comedy so should be hilarious, huh?
zif ofoz Much ado about nothing! Not one character is believable! The plot is easy to go with but the characterizations are just over the top.The separation and differences between the brothers just comes across a trying and contrived. I'm trying to find something positive to write about this flick! Yet nothing comes to mind.The audience for this story is very limited to just the gay community because of it's plot. Two gay brothers finally communicating after years of separation and a vast difference in life style. Good luck watching it start to finish!Blah!
Tom Dooley Set in a small town in rural California we meet Chet played by Mark Strano of 'Out to kill' fame. He has just organised his father's funeral and taken over the reins to run a small hardware store. He lives in what some would call a rural idyll and others would call 'the sticks'. His brother is Todd played by Franki Valenti (aka Jonny Hazzard of 'Lair' fame and also the intriguingly named 'Hole Patrol' – which I am sure is about an annoying rabbit problem) who is more free spirited and has gone out and immersed himself in the World. Both brothers are gay but have chosen different paths, Chet of service and self denial and Todd of getting his rocks off and taking all the gay world has to offer. He is though a drifter and ends up home where they start to reconnect and explore their past.Now this is actually a really good little indie effort. Valenti is very believable and plays the likable rogue perfectly. The direction is spot on from Wade Gasque and the camera work is mostly very good but the scenes that are beautifully framed and shot are let down by wobbly camera action in some of the dialogue scenes – seriously if it looks good and works then stick with it. It is an original story line too and deals with many issues – this is not 'porn fest' though so if that is your thing then best look elsewhere; if you like well acted and thoughtful gay based drama then there is a great film here waiting to be seen.