This romantic comedy maps out the lives of former classmates who, despite their high school days being long past, still regularly meet up. Their stories and lives are different, packed with diverse joys, woes and secrets – secrets that often lead to agitated or humorous moments. Even though each of our characters will soon celebrate their fortieth birthday, they find themselves at diverse stages of life. As we are introduced to them, Christmas is just around the corner, and so is the beginning of a new year, a year which will see their stories become intertwined more than ever before.
Tereza Kostková , Ondřej Sokol , Martin Hofmann , Dana Rogoz , Andreea Vasile , Marián Miezga , Ján Koleník , Soňa Norisová , Pavel Bartoș , Dominika Morávková-Zeleníková
Indigo Films