Please don't spend money on this.
It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Claire Dunne
One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Too many people look for the little things they see as faults and "goofs", however a movie is intended since the earliest times to be a "break" from your everyday life , a diversion from your worries . For some reviewers, I suggest not going to the fridge during critical junctures in the film. One said he didn't understand what Doc did that was so bad and also said we would all be confused at the ending having to guess who our lady would end up with or why the mega-mart would be so bad. Enough! For starters, every time travel flick I've ever seen has never been able to convince anyone on the first try that they have indeed come from another time. A doctor who is cheating on his sweetheart has character issues. A small town inviting a mega-mart to build there would expect life to change dramatically for everyone regardless of an impact study.No brainier. Small stores downtown would all disappear as the big store supplied all of your daily needs. The clues are there to see which way our town mayor Jackie(Christine Chatelaine) is leaning. Our central character Dick/Richard (Richard Thomas/Kaj-Erik Eriksen) writes an editorial piece that tugs at the heart-strings of the townspeople including a tearing up Jackie..what do you think the town will do or Jackie?If you watch all the little things, you will end with a fairly well portrayed little piece of Hallmark..sweet..history changing heartfelt story telling..
I thought that this was a decent film; it was gentle, moved at a comfortable pace and gave me a warm feeling. The setting was beautiful, as you would expect of Duncan B.C. and the background score was not intrusive but assisted the atmosphere rather than distracting from it.The actors were all good and likable characters, even the town doctor who strayed (the unethical behaviour which another reviewer mentioned) with someone who was likely a patient. Richard Thomas has always been that actor who is like the home town boy of the Waltons who we all like. He gives just enough of that boy with the angst of the man who left things undone but finally finds a way to make his biggest mistake right.Though there are not many surprises there are a few little twists that make the plot work but basically it's a feel good film to give you the warm fuzzies on a cool day under your blankie.
It's a cute movie. Requires that you suspend your sense of reality, but still sweet.As to the other review. You do see where the "important" birthmark is placed. The reasons the doc is a jerk are very clear. The reasons the super store is bad, are also very clear. Finally, there is no doubt whatsoever who she chooses, and how it turns out for them.The facial birthmark differences are distracting, but again, just suspend your sense of reality and go with it. :) Whenever you wonder, "Why?", just remember, "Cuz it's in the script!" It's a love story, and a fairy tale.
There was a song that goes time after time, so happy to be in love, etc. The writers of this song should be grateful that it has nothing whatsoever to do with this pretty muddled film.As with all Hallmark themes, a guy comes back to the town that he left 11 years before to discover that the girlfriend he jilted is engaged to the town doctor. It is never explained what the doctor had done which was not exactly ethical.In the town, our guy meets Richard Thomas, who is supposed to be our guy at age 55.Our guy is a reporter and the full story of why the large outlet shouldn't come to town is never fully explained. Is Walmart listening?The ending will confuse all of us regarding who our gal goes with. You're going to be turning your head with this one.