Time of Favor

6.7| 1h42m| en

Is today's fanaticism tomorrow's policy? In a West Bank settlement, Rabbi Meltzer has a grand design: he's building a movement "to pray at the Temple Mount." His yeshiva has scholars, and the settlement is getting its own military company to be commanded by Menachem, a disciple of the rabbi. He also wants his daughter, Michal, to marry Pini, the yeshiva's best scholar. Michal has no interest in Pini, but she is attracted to Menachem. When she rebuffs Pini, he hatches a bold and secret plan. Is jealousy the motivation or something else? Meanwhile, the army and Moussad are closely watching the rabbi's activities and Menachem's military training. Who is trustworthy?


Producted By

Israel Film Fund


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Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
sergepesic Israeli settlement, yeshiva with a dangerous, charismatic rabbi, and a military unit of devout young orthodox Jews. Combination of fundamentalist approach to faith and proximity of weapons, always a very bad idea.Mix in two young men and the rebellious daughter of the above-mentioned rabbi Meltzer, and there we have a love triangle. I usually thoroughly enjoy Israeli cinematography known for its freshness and creativity, but " Time of Favor" falls short. Could be the lack of knowledge about the Orthodox branch of Judaism on my part ( i am not Jewish), or possibly the muddled vision of the director. I am not sure, but what's left is a tackle on this universal problem of religious fundamentalists who, of course believing that they are the only ones with the right answers, feel obliged to demolish everybody else. Sad state of affairs but not enough for a movie.
PrincessOfRHT One part I don't understand was, why was "Pini" gonna blow himself up in the tunnel? I thought Jews didn't believe in doing things like that?? Only muslims do. That part really confused me.I also wish the film would have shown the "Powers That Be" forgiving or saying "sorry" to Menachem for thinking he was involved in the whole "mess" when he wasn't. Also, it didn't show Michal either believing him now that the whole "mess" was over, or did she still want to be with him or?? This movie, at the end, just left a lot of loose ends.Also, I really didn't see how what the Rabbi said could incite Pini to take the heinous course of action that he did. I'll have to go back and re-watch it; I was so lost through most of this LOL!
ian29cent It is refreshing to see an Israeli movie that was realistic in it's portrayal of Israeli military culture. It was slow to get going at first , but then it held my attention. As an Israeli, I didn't think the dialogue was clear enough to follow at times, and often I had to refer to the English subtitles to follow . I didn't think any of the characters were drawn well enough, particularly the character of Michal.As one of the central characters of the plot ( the two men are fighting over her), there is not enough done to establish why her character generates this depth of feeling in the two men. Often Tinkerbell appears to be just reading from the script rather than acting. Aki Avni performance was very good despite the sparseness of the character as written.
George Parker "Time of Favor" seems to be an earnest attempt to tell a somewhat mundane tale, as films go, of a religious military man who has to weigh matters of faith with conscience, love with duty, sacrifice with fulfillment, etc. - nothing particularly new. The film comes off like a low budget indie with obvious cost cutting throughout and muddles the core issues with too much busy work. Somewhat esoteric, Israelis would better empathize with the circumstances and probably glean more from the cultural subtleties. A gentile who's never been to Israel, I found the film to be marginally interesting, minimally entertaining, and anticlimactic. (C)Note - The cover of the DVD I rented bore a quote from the Village Voice calling this film "exotic"..."erotic"...."highly atmospheric". I wonder if they saw the same movie. The one I watched was only exotic because it was a foreign film from Israel, had no sex (one kiss), and the atmospherics were ordinary at best. Moral - beware the box cover B.S.

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