Time Walker

1982 "For eons they traveled the galaxies. For centuries one was trapped in a Pharaoh's tomb. Now he is free."
3.7| 1h23m| PG| en

From deep within the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, Professor Douglas McCadden ships the coffin of Ankh-Vanharis to the California Institute of Sciences where X-rays reveal five diamond-like crystals hidden within the coffin. Technician Peter Sharpe steals the crystals but doesn't notice that the powerful X-ray has revived a green fungus. When the coffin is opened at a university press conference, the reporters uncover more than they bargained for. The mummy has disappeared... and the Time Walker is alive again!


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SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
jgarner136 My sister and I saw this movie in the theatre, and we and the other half dozen people agreed never to admit we were there or saw each other. As another reviewer said, this movie stinks out loud. I'm really sorry I missed it on MST3K.Others have recapped the plot, so I won't bother. I believe a good writer and cast could have saved it. Unfortunately, it had neither. We spent a good bit of the movie laughing, even though it is not a comedy. I think the best thing that can be said about the acting is that I don't see how these people said their lines with straight faces. Maybe they're better actors than I thought.*SPOILER" (?) A word about the crystals-as the mummy collected them, he put them on a small triangular board, rather like a section of a Chinese checker board. We decided it was an old table game from a Denny's. Also, the phrase "Don't x-ray it!" has become a running joke in our family.
kmw2051 OK, let's face it... this movie stinks out loud. HOWEVER, there is one recommendation: You must check out the MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 episode that tackles this terrible film!! MST3K thrives on poking fun at the worst movies ever made, the worse they are-the funnier the show is. For those who don't know what MST3K is, it's a TV show that ran in the 90's. It had a simple idea, a mad scientist forces a guy to watch horrible, mind-numbingly bad movies to see which one will make the young man crack. In an effort to keep his sanity, the guy,Joel(and later Mike)is imprisoned on a satellite. So he builds some robots who watch along with him. The three of them completely rip on these movies.The films are shown in their entirety, sometimes along with old shorts and newsreels as well.If you haven't had the pleasure of this show, look it up and treat yourself. TIME WALKER(know as BEING FROM ANOTHER PLANET,for the MST3k episode) is one of their best.
Diana Ahh, Mr. Ben Murphy. Before Bruce Campbell stole his crown, Murphy was the King of Cheese. Unfortunately, Murphy was serious about his lousy acting career. He really, actually thought that he had some talent. Amazing. In this crappy serving of Murphy's Law(that the more serious a movie with Murphy in it is supposed to be, the worse and more cheesy that movie will be)Murphy plays an anthropologist(yeah, right!) who finds a sarcophagus in King Tut's tomb. In it is a peculiar mummy who was a visitor to Tut's kingdom three thousand years ago. Apparently this mysterious visitor made people sick(literally), because he had some kind of weird fungus growing on him..Or something. One of Murphy's idiot students touches the fungus, which got accidentally irradiated by another of his idiot students. It ate the moron student's hand faster than the flesh eating virus. Meanwhile, the mummy disappeared from his coffin(he felt the need to party. Well, it had been three thousand years, after all!) and started lurching around off camera looking for some ridiculous looking crystals that the idiot student who had irradiated the sarcophagus stole from it(larcenous as well as stupid.Did Murphy hand pick these guys?). The crystals glowed whenever the mummy got near them, becoming tiny disco balls. Welcome to the seventies, everyone! All that was missing was seeing the mummy do the Hustle.Murphy discovers that the mummy is actually the body of an alien visitor. It is trying to retrieve the stupid looking crystals so that it can phone home. Apparently the alien was in a state of suspended animation or something, which is why the zap of radiation brought it back to life. Never mind that that deserves a big fat HUH? since this movie is so groovy and with it that it doesn't really have to make sense. In the end, the mummy retrieves its tacky jewelry and is about to beam itself up(to what, we'll never know, since I doubt the mother ship actually hung around waiting for it to return for three thousand years)when a security guard tries to shoot it. Murphy plays the hero and hurls himself onto the bullet(thank you, movie!) and then is beamed up with the alien. Good riddance, Murphy, and I hope you enjoy the anal probe.
Michael H This movie sucks!! I can boldly state that because I had actually seen it in the movie theaters when it came out, and on MST. (yes it was actually in movie theaters for a BRIEF time) It sucked then and it sucks now. It's only redeeming value is that MST got it and riffed the hell out of it which it needed. Ben Murphy steals a mummy from Egypt which turns out to be an alien which one of his students accidentally brings back to life. This movie was filmed at Cal State University Northridge, where I studied anthropology myself, and I doubt that any of my professors would have any of these idiots as students. But for what it's worth it is a funny MST episode and a lame horror movie. Maybe there was supposed to be a sequel, thank god there wasn't. Though it probably would have made a great MST episode.