I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
You won't be disappointed!
Really Surprised!
It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
At first I was fine with this. Everything felt like it set up normally, but it got strange really fast. A lot of scenes had laughably bad dialogue with characters repeating and overlapping lines with each other, and on top of that, it had really bad audio design to the point where I had to replay multiple scenes with subtitles because I couldn't make out the dialogue. There was also a super obvious fake baby used in the end of the movie that I couldn't help but laugh every time it was on screen.This had a really great cast and I have absolutely no idea why any of the actors ever signed on to this. It was super obvious that Oldman was on his knees the entire time, Dinklage's character has a french accent in this and it's never explained why he's specifically french, or even why his character's in this movie to begin with. Patricia Arquette's character was not developed at all and felt completely out of place. She portrayed her character really strangely and didn't seem to be given any direction whatsoever, so just worked with what she had. Just as with Dinklage, it's never explained why her character is in this in the first place or what her purpose was. Either way, her scenes were easily the best because of how strange her portrayal and line delivery was, it reminded me of Rosamund Pike's over the top acting that made Doom so amazingly bad. Beckinsale really seemed like she was trying, but the writing is so bad that no matter what the dialogue comes out ridiculous. She has really strange lines that no person would ever actually say. Actual lines spoken during a bedside chat with her boyfriend: "do not apply the term 'fucked up' to our child, OK?" "Being a little person hurts?" "Have you ever been involved with a little person sexually?" "so you had a circle jerk with a bunch of little people? I would've loved to see that!" "I think you have a lot of ambivalence about your family being little. It's not healthy and I think you should consider getting some help." "It's not a good thing for a child if he's little to have a father who's ambivalent about little people."By the time that the film ended, I felt unsatisfied. Everything wrapped up fine, it was just extremely underwhelming.
There's enough of this movie to compel you to venture into it's bizarre premise, but not enough to satisfy you with bizarre things to justify sitting through it all in one sitting. I like bad movies that are fun, the Room, Troll 2. This is not one of those movies. It's an oddity to be sure, but a painful, slow, and awkward oddity that just makes you feel like you wasted a part of your life somehow. It's not bad enough to be funny and it isn't good enough to transcend the odd premise it has going against it.Dwarfs, little people... or whatever the politically correct term is nowadays deserves a better movie to help overcome prejudice people have towards them, but this is a really bad attempt at tackling that topic.Game of Thrones is actually much better at that point of making you sympathize with small people, this just makes you want to have a lobotomy to get rid of the headache you'll have.
1. Most men will adamantly turn down a hot chick's offer for a blow job. Am I right, guys? Am I? Hello?2. You know you are marrying THE ONE when she's comfortable enough to admit she'd love to see you as a kid circle jerking it with other young little people.3. If your fiancée reminds you she's pregnant, and while staring directly at her stomach, you state: "Yes. You are," immediately start planning on at least 18 years of child support.4. "The asshole is the strongest muscle in the human body," or so Lucy tells us. I always thought it was the tongue. Oh, well, when those two meet, maybe they can duke it out.5. "And in a role of a lifetime
Gary Oldman," says the trailer. Well, they got that half right.6. Do most women will put their pee-soaked pregnancy test on their coffee mug they're still drinking from, or is that some kind of circle of life thing?7. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito look more like real-life Twins now.8. You're only really homeless until you remember you own a million-dollar cabin in the woods.9. Really, the only thing anyone can do when their cell battery's about to die is toss it as far as possible into the dark woods.10. Where was the episode where Dr. House visited the Little People Hospital?11. Real people have bodies like Matthew McConaughey and are given names like "Steven." Fake little people settle for "Rolfe" and carry on the rest of their lives on their knees.12. Every proper Motel Employee Training Manual should include: Check out time can equate checking out of life.13. If the Quasimodo look doesn't add sympathy, Gary, try wearing a real person's robe.14. Unprotected sex is okay, as long as you're asleep. Yes, this includes rape.15. David Alan Grier went onto many great projects thanks to Tiptoes. Such as: Bewitched and Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil.16. Becoming Jewish is easy! All you need to do is change the subject of insulting little people and laugh your faith and Christ off.17. LPride conventions are a ton of fun, when you're not on the run.18. Maybe being kicked off a bus in the middle of nowhere did Lucy more harm than good when she considers a roach motel a high end Hollywood resort.19. I didn't know how to spot ADR that well, until I heard most of the lines from the "French" Peter Dinklage.20. Little people might want acceptance from ALL! Well, except from the homosexuals they rally against.21. Patricia Arquette's wardrobe and hair choices were made by a blind person. See? They tried to include everyone here.22. When Kate Beckinsale calls you, remember it's gonna cost you. $3.99 a minute sounds about right.23. People can take food from others and it's not considered stealing. Food's from God, it's plentiful and God wants us to eat it. Huh. Well, I will tell that to the cop next time I dine and dash.24. Granted, I am not a parent, but do all babies look like blocks of wood?25. Big black men want little white women. Or so I'm shown. Or so the party goers are shown.26. "No! I need George Lucas. He's the only one who can do my hair!" is how I imagined Kate Beckinsale got her hair styles just right for the movie.27. Never give your loved ones heads up there are little people involved.28. Not many people know there's a lot of "good money in (the) firefighting business."29. You can go from calling little people "midgets" and worrying drastically your child will become one to choosing an actual little person as your lover in mere weeks.30. I'm not a CGI fan, but using a couch instead of CGI to hide normal size legs is just
hilarious.31. "No faggot doctors!" is shouted by a character we are supposed to feel sorry for.32. "What is the motivation of my character?" asks McConaughey, who's both supportive of his midget family as well as ashamed of them, who wears a retainer but won't fight with it in, who trains firefighters but yells when his personal life gets in the way, who has to be away on business for a week but is only minutes away from home, who wants to make his fiancée jealous of him by bringing his hot, blonde student and then ditches her the second the two meet, who doesn't want a child but will accept said child until it's a few weeks old. 'I think he's confused, just punch a hospital wall mere moments after your son is born and figure it out,' was probably the answer he got.33. Heck, just watch Daniel Tosh's Tiptoes Uncut video (look it up online.) It's worth a watch following the movie
tosh.comedycentral.com /video-clips/ u1lmo5/ spoiler-alert-- --tiptoes--uncut (Just Google that. I had to add spaces for IMDb rules.)
'Tiptoes' is dealing with serious themes using a combination of romantic comedy and melodrama tools. Life of dwarfs, their relationship with the 'big' people, human value behind appearances, prejudice and pride, all those are serious subjects, but they get no more than a schematic treatment in 'Tiptoes'.There is some good acting in this movie, resulting mainly from the desire of the dwarf actors to catch the opportunity and do a good movie about their world and their condition. Unfortunately they are not matched by their 'normal sized' partners who deal badly with the melodramatic situations and look embarrassed because the script is so bad and the situations they are supposed to act belong to old and bad quality cinema. Having Gary Oldman play a dwarf is an interesting casting exercise, but it is far from being Oscar stuff. This was a good opportunity, but it was completely missed. 'Tiptoes' should not shout for discrimination, it is simply not a good film. I just can hope that somebody will make in the future a better movie on this theme.