Too Soon to Love

1960 "Too young to marry... Too late to turn back..."
5.1| 1h25m| en

Unmarried teenage lovers turn to desperate measures after their clandestine tryst results in an unplanned pregnancy.


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Also starring Ralph Manza


Wordiezett So much average
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
MartinHafer I saw that the other review compared this film to "Reefer Madness". Well, although both of these films are exploitation fare, I just can't see lumping them together. "Reefer" is a grade-z film--rotten and silly from start to finish---and you just can't say that about "Too Soon To Love". Yes, "Too Soon" is not a great film...but it isn't THAT bad.The film is about two high school students, Cathy and Jim. Like in most exploitation films, instead of looking like teens, they are clearly older--21 and 25 respectively. I don't know why they just didn't get a couple real 17 year-olds to play these parts. The two fall in love and get frisky--though the sex aspect of the film is just implied--after all, it's 1960. Like many sex exploitation films, the girl ends up pregnant (but without an STD--like she would in many of the more salacious films of this ilk) and the pair don't know what to do next. Exactly what they do next is pretty interesting--just tune in to see more.The story is a tad overdone at points and some of the acting isn't great, but overall the film is much better than I'd expected. The acting of Richard Evans (Jim) is particularly good and the film does hit on a few good issues--and only hits you over the head like a meat-ax on occasion. While this film is easy to skip, it sure isn't one the average person would love, but is more for fans of the genre.
Michael_Elliott Too Soon To Love (1960) ** (out of 4) Incredibly over-dramatic "message" film about a good girl (Jennifer West) and a good boy (Richard Evans) who fall in love but make the dramatic choice of having sex. Soon the girl ends up pregnant, which makes her feel like a slut and it also puts a strain on the teenager's relationship. This is in the same company as Reefer Madness as far as being overbearing in trying to deliver a message but this film here never quite hits the same level of camp. There are some over the top moments, which make for a few laughs but for the most part this is played straight forward and tries so very hard to be serious. The biggest problem are the two leads who turn in horrible performances and they bring more laughs when the film is going for seriousness. There's one great sequence inside an abortion clinic, which was shot to look like a horror film and actually manages to be just as creepy as the majority of horror films out in this time period. Jack Nicholson has a small role as a hot rod.