
1992 "Laughter is a state of mind."
5.1| 2h2m| PG-13| en

Leslie Zevo is a fun-loving inventor who must save his late father's toy factory from his evil uncle, Leland, a war-mongering general who rules the operation with an iron fist and builds weapons disguised as toys.


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Diagonaldi Very well executed
Ploydsge just watch it!
Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Cap-Blackard The shade that Toys has been thrown over the years is absurd. Why? The film certainly slips on the marbles on occasion, but its merrits far outweigh the marks against it. In terms of visuals there's nothing else like it in film. Even in the age of CGI, nothing has come close. The world of Toys is sublime, outiside of time, and that cartoon reality emphasizes the facet of the film that so many overlooked upon its release: it's a black fable. It's an art film.If Toys was a European or Asian film, that didn't have big US stars in it, and big US studios and audiences assuming any expensive movie needs to be jammed into an easy to categorize box; the narrative would be very different. As it stands it's a chilling bedtime story about the world we now live in. One totally appropriate to tell children of all ages - to remind them to make-believe, not war.
TheBlueHairedLawyer While this film certainly had a lot of hard work poured into it and a talented cast to work with, it was visually all over the place to the point where it made me wish I was colour blind. The bizarre soundtrack did nothing to add to its appeal, and Williams often came off as obnoxious throughout. I did like the intro credits with the New York Christmas set pieces, but the rest of it looked like some sort of chaotic avant-garde mess that was trying way too hard and not focusing enough on its actual story. It's all well and good to be flashy, but it gets old really fast if there's nothing good to back it up with. It's more pretentious than anything else, much like its positive reviews that insist that people who hate t "just don't get it" or are "too shallow to appreciate the genius". To that I say, get down off your high horse. Most of the characters were just irritating, the themes clashed to the point where it seemed like the creators were just reaching out of nowhere for any old crud they could make money off of, and it's campy but not even in a remotely humorous way, nor is it "so bad, it's good." It's just weird, and there's a difference between a cool or creative weird and just plain annoying and pointless weird.
edlahoz Any movie that picks humans over guns is good in my book. The movie is a clear message on how to live in harmony as the diverse community of humans that we are, without resourcing to disrespect or allowing any form of religion or political system replace the regard that each and everyone of us should have for one another, because we are equal and everything else is just a lie the rich, in the case of this movie the rich would be the general's army, promote to keep us from seeing the reality that we are equal. The way it promotes the use of toys, inventiveness, and comradeship, over trivialities like guns, and war, is something to admire, respect, and in turn, as well, promote to everyone else. Hardly anyone in America heard from this movie, precisely on account of its message that guns aren't needed to live in peace and find happiness, and that war only creates terror and horror to others but the select few who choose to promote, because of self centered egoistic reasons. This movie is a must watch for any child. Choose this over Disney any day.
elshikh4 What is this? Is it a speech about the madness of the military America against all the innocent imagination and the childish spirit? Is it a kids' movie with sexual innuendos all the way?! Is it unidentifiable work? Well, it's hard to watch before being hard to define !(Barry Levinson) here co-wrote, produced, and directed what he dreamed of making for whole 10 years. But let's review what *really* happened; He wanted to go Hollywood yet by his own rules, so the flashy movie must have a substance. He glided into not big budget. And he was unfortunately in his worst artistic condition too!The outcome of that was so bad on all the levels. As a political satire it's pathetic. As a comedy it's an outrageous flop; giving the feeling that it is a typical French comedy ! And as an action (Levinson) did a perfect job to destroy everything, starting with the ugly narrow cadres, to the hideous slow-motion, the crappy war toys, the primitive special effects, ending with that embarrassing climactic battle. In brief (Levinson) didn't "liven" a thing, mastering one strangled movie! The script is dreamy, however the treatment killed it utterly. Take for instance the relationship between the lead and his girl. (Robin Wright) did nothing but laughing at the lead's jokes all the time like an idiot, then at one very early – very serious – point she judges him as if he's her long time lover !! Did you notice how she didn't add anything to the conflict later ?! Another matter; so the alleged sister is a toy, what's the point of that ? Another matter; originally who was leaking the info from the factory? These many "matters" lessen my respect to (Levinson) the writer once of (...And Justice for All) and (Sleepers). On a deeper level why the fantasy was that disappointed? as we were just watching things that happen in some factor (!!). Otherwise, it could have enriched the movie's personality to be more vivid and lovable. Actually the reason why this was deadly poor remains at 3 questions : why it wasn't made as a frank fantasy? Or a musical ? Or a cartoon ? I bet with being the 3 together, having a real funny material, it should have been more balanced and useful, because I was watching politics meeting Disney's lowest TV movie !Speaking about "funny", it has unfunny time to the max. The dialog isn't any good, and with the dark directing the whole thing turned into horrible. The moments in-between the serious talks diversified at making disgusting gags every time (vomit, fart jokes, someone shoots his own feet, head that goes off,…) that didn't entertain anyone. Considering his other movies, (Levinson) doesn't have a smart sense of humor (remember Envy, or Bandits?!). The man can't make pure comedies. Obviously he thinks too much, and when he wants us to smile, he chooses awful things ! (Robin Williams) made little effort to produce laughs. Most probably his talking scenes were something of his improvisation. Sure the have-not atmosphere with the movie's own confused personality made his role look like a trivial cameo among a sea of silly weirdness. (Joan Cusack) seemed scary let alone pointless. (Wright Penn) made a movie to regret it later (and if she wouldn't, THEN I WOULD FOR HER!). (Michael Gambon) isn't charismatic enough or droll enough to play that childish war maniac. Despite being the best of all, (LL. Cool. J) totally missed the funny touch of his character. Even the music didn't compensate, being another factor of bore. See, as a whole it is a new proof that there is something HUGLY wrong with the movies that are being written and directed by the same person !Save only few imaginative sets (Toys) earns its rank as one boring movie. I was wishing every minute to leave or change the channel. Too bad that I didn't have the luxury of pressing the fast-forward button!. The movie's intention, of the original tagline, that says "Laughter this time is a state of mind" didn't work. Simply the formula was unusual, yet surely uncorrected too. Accordingly that tagline seems eventually so pedant. In my viewpoints it failed at winning the kids, the eccentric kids, the grown-ups, the eccentric grown-ups; namely all. Unless good ol' Barry did it while having a turbid state of mind, or financial problems with it, then he must be an eccentric child and grown-up himself, delivering uninteresting "toys" for unbearable 2 hours. It succeeds only in being whether a black sneer at the foolish Hollywood Toys in general, or the worst satirical movie ever made. Damn. I can't forget the moment at the end in which the 2 war maniacs were saluting the toy soldiers; it's the top of this movie's naivety and poorness! Finally an advise : watch (Uncle Buckle-Up) instead. It's one of The A-Team's episodes, made 6 years earlier than (Toys), where the leads fought a gang by just toys. In comparison it's more meaningful. Otherwise; wait for a better remake !