SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Griff Lees
Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Dalbert Pringle
Nope. Sorry. 1954's Track Of The Cat did not come even close to being what I would call "reasonably worthwhile" entertainment.If you ask me, this decidedly demented movie was just a very-very s-l-o-w, 90-minute torture session that I found almost unbearable to endure.Featuring 3 really annoying, pain-in-the-ass characters (that's the "hee-haw" hillbillies - Ma, Pa and, yes, darling Curt Bridges), this utterly ugly, grind-it-in-your-face story was overloaded with bible-thumping hypocrisy like nothing I've ever seen before (in a Hollywood production from that era).In "Track Of The Cat", almost every character in the story gets their crummy turn at the wheel to either chew up the scenery to shreds, or tear out another character's throat, or else behave like a total jackass of the highest order.Filled to overflowing with endless, grate-on-your-nerves bickering, venomous finger-pointing, and spiteful muck-racking, Track Of The Cat was, unfortunately, not the overlooked gem that I was hoping it would be.And, regardless of its potentially promising cast (headlined by that lazy-bum, Robert Mitchum), this was clearly just one of those truly lousy pictures of the 1950s that's definitely best left forgotten.
Brothers Robert Mitchum and Tab Hunter are living way off the beaten path and, every winter, a certain panther starts killing their livestock and is never caught. This winter will be different. I'd like to give this movie the benefit of the doubt, as to what this philosophical drama may actually be trying to say, but this is basically a major disappointment, considering the talent of its stars, including Teresa Wright, Diana Lynn, "Alfafa" (as an Indian), and Beulah Bondi, who said this was her favorite role. I can see why, as her character is more interesting and complicated than her usual kind of motherly types. But that is all really of interest. If you catch a minute of this and are transfixed by its color photography of black and white, you'll find there's not much else to really see. The dialogue is tiresome, with the characters continually saying "That if the panther is black..." "If the panther is black...." "If the panther is black..." I do give it a '4', for some reason. I guess for its stars and intriguing ending, but this is a curiosity piece at best. I will say though, that the panther may be heard, but is never seen. I think it would have been more successful had it had more obvious action with a cat you could see and less talk, and "if the panther was black.". After reading other reviews, I do agree this was more of a mood piece, which centers on Tab's character growing up and standing up for himself. But, overall, you still leave the movie feeling somewhat bemused, let down, and on the whole, dissatisfied with it. "But if the panther was black..."
Robert Mitchum (as Curt) stars as bullying, titular head of the arguing Bridges family, electing himself over both parents, and brothers Tab Hunter (as Hal) and William Hopper (as Arthur). In the dead of winter, the family is threatened by a marauding mountain lion; the animal must be destroyed before it eats the Bridges family. Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer (as "Chief" Joe Sam) is the Bridges' ranchhand; the mountain lion killed his entire family some years ago.This is an exceedingly slow-moving and pretentiously written "psychological drama". The direction (William A. Wellman ) and photography (William H. Clothier) might be its most interesting feature. The Bridges' home is decorated in blacks and whites, but shot in color; this highlights the actors' complexions, and an occasional symbolic item, like Mr. Mitchum's red jacket. Due to the "black and white in color" gimmick, or in spite of it, the film looks beautiful. But nothing can MOVE the "Track of the Cat" story, making the the film merely an interesting experiment. Beulah Bondi (as Ma) and Teresa Wright (as sister Grace) might fascinate fans. Surprisingly, Tab Hunter offers the film's leading performance; emerging as the film's focus. ***** Track of the Cat (11/27/54) William A. Wellman ~ Robert Mitchum, Tab Hunter, Teresa Wright, Beulah Bondi
Like that other famous film family the Corleones, the Bridges consist of three brothers and a sister all living under one roof. AFter that any resemblance just doesn't exist.The dominant one here is Robert Mitchum one brutish lout of a man, but someone who probably has held the family together on this ranch up in the mountain area of Colorado. It's wintertime and these people are trapped by the snows in their valley. They've also got a mountain lion who's feasting on their stock.William Wellman who did so fabulously by Walter Van Tilburg Clark's other novel, The Oxbow Incident, misfires with this one. It's visually stunning, the color cinematography dealing with the winter images that are black and white. The only other colors you see are the red of Mitchum's jacket and the yellow of the fire and Tab Hunter and William Hopper's hair. Oh, let's not forget the blood.Some really great images are in this film. My favorite is the scene of the funeral which is photographed looking up from the waiting grave. Who's funeral, you have to see the film to find out.I have to say though, the Bridges family after a while were just not that interesting to me. The film itself doesn't come alive. It lost money big time for Batjac productions and John Wayne and Warner Brothers. Still I'm sure that this film, failure though it was, led to Robert Mitchum being cast in much better films like Night of the Hunter, Cape Fear, and Home from the Hill.For Mitchum completists only.