
2015 "No kids allowed"
3.8| 1h36m| en

A teenage boy discovers the perpetrators of several brutal kidnappings in his home town.


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Tiberius Film


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Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
hak_b I thoroughly enjoy this Indie Thriller Feature film. I was especially impressed with the start sequence, which set up the premise of the film nicely. The steady-cam shots helped to build the mood and the journey that the main characters embarks... The acting is fairly convincing for most of the film. Overall this film is Worth watching!
Nigel P 'Treehouse' starts off in an intriguing manner with the very young looking Elizabeth (Dana Melanie) coming home to find her young brother 'little Bob' missing after, bizarrely, being left in the family house alone.Two brothers, the bullied Killian (J. Michael Trautmann) and wholesome Crawford (Daniel Fredrick) discover Elizabeth trapped in a treehouse, before Crawford disappears (he appears to be one of several figures hung from the tree in probably the film's most effective sequence) and the two youngsters then have to fend for themselves.What happens next is a jumble of flashbacks and tantalising glimpses of what appears to be a creature in the distance. The creature turns out to be one of three hillbillies who seem intent on killing the two juveniles.There were some sound problems (loud music and quiet dialogue), but 'Treehouse' has been shot and directed very well, much of the action appearing to take place in crisp early morning sunlight which helps give the woodland setting a stark, uncomfortable look. The acting too, is very good until the very end when the two surviving leads are required to be hardened and detached by events, ready to take on the world – which is asking too much and fails to convince.
Submarine Guest House To all these stupid actors and stupid directors, stop doing stupid movies please. Why? Because I don't believe any one will like to watch it. Unless if they are super stupid weird people with weird stupid psychology. A waste of your precious time to watch such a stupid movie. It's a shame that this called movie. I might say it's not a movie it's a begging act. As you will feel it like: please give us some jobs we don't have money Guys why don't you try to be PERFCT? What's wrong with that? If you have no budget for a movie then please don't even try to make one stupid wasted movie. In my opinion you cannot afford every piece of criticism around you. I have no idea why you guys allow yourselves to act such stupid acting, very stupid and out of date , give me a break you shameful fools
gavin6942 A teenage boy discovers the perpetrators of several brutal kidnappings in his home town.This film was co-produced by Ed Sanchez (Blair Witch Project), which is just about the only name recognition it has. And even that is a bit of a stretch outside of serious horror fans.Dave Alexander says the film has "some realistic, likable characters to root for, genuinely frightening and savage antagonists, some brutally effective kills and constant tension". Despite this glowing praise, Alexander goes on to call the movie "stupid" due in part to how it resolves its problems.Without addressing the second part, one must concur with the first part. After twenty minutes or so of rather boring, pointless exposition, we get to the heart of the film. Very tense, very well shot, and a haunting score. This is not a great film, though it has so many great elements that it will be interesting to see what those involved do next -- and it is almost worth championing this film for that reason.