Wonderfully offbeat film!
SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
This movie begins with 4 young high school girls and their teacher named "Miss Tenney" (Brenda Fogerty) who are traveling in a school bus on a camping trip to an isolated part of California. On the way they encounter 3 motorcyclists who become interested in them. One of the young men named "Jay" (Robert Gribbin) is a decent fellow but the other two, "Al" (Zalman King) and "Pete" (Robert Porter) are hardened criminals who have recently gotten out of prison and the sight of these females brings out the worst in them. So when the school bus breaks down in the middle of nowhere they seize the opportunity with great relish. Now, rather than disclose any more of the movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say this film came with several others in a 2-dvd set called "Drive-In Cult Classics" and I was hoping to find at least one or two good movies in the whole bunch. Unfortunately, this wasn't one of them. Not only were there a number of slow scenes but some of the others were completely ridiculous as well--especially the ending. In any case, while I have certainly seen much worse films in my time, I thought this one might have potential. I was wrong. Accordingly, I rate it as below average.
"A chilling experience in terror as a group of female students and their pretty teacher are ambushed, while on a field trip, by a sadistic killer and his brother, forcing the women to learn a lesson in survival." Well, not quite. It's really just about a bunch of horny female students who go on a field trip with their teacher, sounds exciting doesn't it? While on this "trip" they run into some perverted motorcycle hippie-rapists, who the girls get all turned on by.I'm not even going to bother going into detail why this film is so bad, you're just going to have to watch it for yourself or read a different review. I don't recommend this flick for anyone, it's a whole hour and thirty one minutes you will never get back. Trip With the Teacher is not an underrated film, if anything it's an overrated one.
Well, if this movie couldn't kill Zalman King's career, nothing could, and so he went on to distinguish himself as a "Cinemax late night" level soft-core porn impresario.Zalman's later stuff had better production values and writing, or at least a bigger budgets and just plain LOOKED better than this poverty row production. "TWT" looks as if it was shot entirely on location with someone's hand held 16MM camera for strictly pennies. King is the only real reason to watch "Trip With Teacher", as well as the only real actor in it, and he alternates between chewing the scenery and sliming around like the biggest scuzball in the history of drive-in cinema. He's pro enough to mostly pull it off, but it makes for a basically indigestible wad of sleazy psycho cinema.The screenplay caters to the audience's most basic and deplorable instincts while still managing to be talky and static and boring.One woman is raped, one girl is murdered after a lengthy chase, and a couple of males who get in Zalman's way also bite the dust, but none of it is staged convincingly, so you might as well be watching Skinemax.The four young women who are the meat of the film's exploitation theme can't act for beans - not their fault, of course, since they're in the movie to be pretty and vulnerable and victimized. But that means because it's typical of the film's direction to have the camera zoom in each of the actresses' face in turn for lengthy close ups, none of them can do anything interesting or involving with their big "moments", and consequently all the audience gets is a lot of dead air.One extra star for a pretty good motorcycle chase and one genuinely surprising moment when (SPOILER ALERT) the young "good guy" motorcyclist who we thought was killed at the end of the motorcycle chase drops a noose over the head of Zalman's henchman.
When I picked this out to watch, I was expecting a cheesy Sexploi movie loaded with nudity and bad acting. Instead I was surprised with a rather intriguing film that grabbed my attention from the beginning and held it through out. It's not Oscar material or anything, like most low budget movies of it's time it suffers a little in some departments but this is a truly good film.The acting overall is good, although Zalman King, Robert Gribbin and Robert Porter certainly steal the show. Zalman King in the character of Al is entirely believable as a psychopath and more so, he fits perfectly in the image of the insane drifter that these types of movies created. Even Jack Driscoll who looks cheesy as all get out, is entirely believable at his most critical moment in the film and Brenda Fogarty comes across perfectly as the prissy, controlling school teacher. The weakest acting in the movie is on the part of the school girls, but that shouldn't surprise anyone who watches seventies exploitation movies.The film has excellent drama, it draws you in and keeps you watching. As the movie progressed I found myself understanding the emotions of Pete, sticking by his brother through thick and thin, wondering what Jay would do as the situation worsened and wondering if the bus driver would try to stand up when the time came. I had my suspicions as to how things would go and I was surprised time and time again. As the end of the movie neared, I honestly wondered if any of the girls would get out alive or if the "bad guys" would win. It's worth noting that the version I saw was listed as "Uncut". What was cut in the theatrical release I'm not sure. In the uncut version there is surprisingly little nudity (although there is some), not a whole lot of foul language and no blood that I can recall. There are couple of wince worthy scenes and of course the rape scenes but nothing that I could imagine would be to bad to show in theaters.One thing that really mystifies me is why this movie has such a low rating here at IMDb.Sexploi and exploitation in general are usually niche genre's, that's no surprise. But can all the people who rated this movie so low really not see anything in it? Did they even watch it? It surprised the hell out of me to see this movie sitting at only two stars. It deserves so much better and I would recommend it to anyone who likes the genre.