Don't listen to the negative reviews
Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Billie Morin
This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Raymond Sierra
The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
To be honest, I had no idea what to expect from this movie and as it started I had no idea which direction it was heading to. At first it really seemed like the movie wasn't going to do anything good or interesting with its story but once it does, the movie gets a quite good one to watch, within its genre and I simply really enjoyed it for what is was. What I like about this movie is that it never becomes a melodramatic or sappy one, like movies like this often tend to do. The situations and characters within this movie are being kept mostly real and so are all of their emotions and feelings. This is the foremost reason why I kept liking this movie throughout. I liked were the story was going and the overall message of it.Yes, it still also really is a comedy though, so some of the situations and characters are still being exaggerated for comedy effect. But just like its drama, the comedy never pushes it too far, until its end, when the movie suddenly becomes more goofy. But overall I still really liked the balance between the comedy and the drama of this movie.Thing that also truly keeps this movie interesting and good to watch is its cast. It really has a surprisingly good cast in it. Julianne Moore, Maggie Gyllenhaal, David Duchovny, Billy Crudup, Ellen Barkin, Bob Balaban and Eva Mendes all in one movie. That's quite amazing actually for such a low-key movie as this one. Every actor was fine within their role but the one that stood out most to me was David Duchovny, who is trying so hard the last couple of years to become a legit actor after his "X-Files" fame. He had an hard time getting rid of his image but if he keeps on playing like he does in this movie, he should be alright.I can still see all of this movie its flaws, such as some story issues and some misplaced comedy at times but as an overall experience, I surprisingly liked this movie and I honestly liked it better than just the average genre attempt.7/10
I watched this movie hoping for a French-style witty and reflective comedy examining complex relationships. What a pity this wasn't a European movie set in the cafés and homes of Paris rather than New York! After a promising 15 minutes when initial relationships are established, the whole thing rapidly descends into a series of cheap and corny attempts at humour all rounded off with the worst of Hollywood RomCom endings. Secondary characters such as the guy with the foreign accent are one dimensional and clichéd, so that an interesting comedy descends into not-very-funny farce, and the potential for comic examination of believable roles and relationships is lost.The leads - especially Maggie Gyllenhall, Julianne Moore and David Duchovney - are (as always) excellent. But their contribution is in spite of, not because of, the script. 6/10 - but only to reflect the lead actors' efforts to rescue a really disappointing script.
Such great actors, such potential. Such a bad film. Bad writing, crass immature 'humor' (starts with a burp/fart/poop three-part "joke" and goes down hill from there.The characters are all 1 dimensional. There's Mr. I'm Bored/my wife isn't good enough... so I cheat. There's the stereotype of the professional woman too busy to fulfill her husband'd's needs. There's the intelligent interesting woman who suddenly is DESPERATE to get married and BREED. There's the usual "fear of commitment" guy.I can't remember a funny moment or even a moment that seemed true to life.And the ending was just disgusting. After both guys spend the 2nd half of the film bitching about how their women dumped them -- they make one last minute pathetic attempt to get their attention... and it works?? There was no apology. They act like middle schoolers - passing notes, stealing flower. There was no change/no growth/no character development. Duchovny wasn't sorry he cheated-- he was sorry he got caught. There's nothing to assume he won't do the same thing next week. And the 2nd guy didn't decide he wanted to get married on his own -- he merely gave in to his girlfriend's demands. They were all stupid.
Christopher Smith
With over 100 feature films released in year, it can be hard to keep track of all the titles worth tracking down and checking out. Last year I saw a preview for Trust the Man before Thank You For Smoking, but with the great number of other flicks coming out in wider release, I forgot about it until this weekend. After watching it, I wish I had forgotten about it completely for there is almost nothing redeeming about this cinematic catastrophe. The cast has no chemistry, the writing and directing is amateurish, and cinematography is murky.However, the picture's biggest fault is the tone. Trust the Man drifts uneasily from dirty sex comedy to tepid romance to boring drama from scene to scene, making for not only an extremely frustrating viewing experience, but an uncomfortable one as well. It's as writer/director Bart Freundlich didn't know what genre he wanted his movie to fall under during shooting, thinking that he would decide later in the editing room. Apparently that didn't work out either as it seems there are numerous scenes missing or incomplete. Other scenes go on far too long(the scenes with Billy Crudup in his car are perfect examples). There wasn't a single scene in Trust the Man I found effective, funny, or well done. The plot is a huge mess, gaping with holes. The only reason I give it a 1 as opposed to a zero is I reserve zeros for only those films that I find morally offensive/repugnant or without any artistic value whatsoever. 1/10