Really Surprised!
Excellent, a Must See
In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Mandeep Tyson
The acting in this movie is really good.
A young woman struggles to move on with her life after the death of her husband, an acclaimed folk singer, when a brash New York writer forces her to confront her loss and the ambiguous circumstances of his death. Tumbledown could have been so much better especially with the way that it started but it went down the hell in such a short time once Joe Manganiello showed up his role is basically just being the sex object nothing more nothing else. And both Rebecca Hall and Jason Sudeikis feel like they were reading their lines threw a handbook. This could have been a great film indeed but it went downhill in a very little amount of time and i wasn't even that much surprised..
This movie is terrible. It is about dealing with the loss of a loved one, and how to move on. At least that is what the viewer is expecting. The plot is thin, the character played by Rebecca Hall may be the most annoying, egoistic and rude character in the history of film, and the attempt to making a decent "bring it home" ending solution at the final seconds makes this the worst movie I have seen this year so far.The only reason to why I rated this movie 3 is due to Jason Sudiekis, who at least tries to give life to the movie. As I have a tendency to always completing each movie, I hope I will never have to endure something like this again. Ever.
I will never get the time back I spent watching this. The movie was just watchable enough that I thought something will eventually happen that makes sense and I did until it ended: hence watched the WHOLE MOVIE!!! It felt like as if 3 semi-talented writers left their unfinished scripts in a bar, someone found it, shuffled the pages, threw away half and someone made a movie of a completely disconnected, weird, whiny script. The acting was so bad, with 0 chemistry between the "will they be/will they not lovers?" plus they barely cared about their part. The premise of the movie: some dead musician who wrote some awesome tunes that almost nobody appreciated was very symbolic, with a twist: this fiction was not any way awesome. Disclaimer: I loved both Sudekis and Hall in other movies.
Neddy Merrill
Following on the middling artistic and lacking financial success of "Sleeping with Other People", the uncompelling Jason Sudekis leads another mildly entertaining star-crossed rom-com. This time he spars with, falls for, leaves, returns to, you know the Hollywood romance do- se-do by now. This one brings more drama to the mix than the standard outing being it is centered around the likely suicide of a legendary but little-known folk singer. Speaking of singer, a major problem with the movie beyond Sudekis is the lack of music. The movie never establishes the genius of the deceased folks singer which would then explain why Sudekis' Hofstra professor would spend his time writing about it and a later revelation involving a missing track. The uneven plot never draws you so that you are not consciously aware of the underlying trajectory of the formula. It lacks interesting supporting characters putting more unneeded pressure on the leads. In short, not a bad film but not really enough here to make the outing worth while.