Who payed the critics
It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Rainey Dawn
The film is based on the novel The Dream of the Mad Monkey by Christopher Frank. The movie is known as The Mad Monkey and Twisted Obsession. WARNING SPOILERS BELOW! Daniel Gillis & Julien Legrand were both played by Malcolm Greene and his sister Jenny. Jenny used sex to get to the men and she's only 16 years old. The reason for this is so Malcom and Jenny's movie will be made - to get a foothold into and maybe become big time in the (porno) film industry and all with the help of Marilyn (Daniel's agent and also the agent of the two kids). Basically, the 16 year old girl can and will yell "rape" if the men backed out of doing the film - while shelling out money to the two youthful (porno) film makers.At beginning of the film, Malcolm tells Daniel of a book called The Mad Monkey that his sister found and that is what they want to base their film on it. Malcolm clearly states that movies are like bad dreams.It seems it's one of those endings that leaves you guessing "did all this really happen OR was it all something that Daniel just wrote and Marilyn just read it as we watched it?" It's an okay film. A sexploration, incest, manipulation film based of the novel.5/10
Okay, I first saw this movie years ago mainly because it had Jeff Goldblum in it and I do love his acting style.Twisted Obsession is one of his more interesting films and certainly one of his more perverse ones.Based on the novel, The Dream Of The Mad Monkey, it tells the story of an American screen writer, Dan Gillis (Jeff Goldblum) who is hired to write a script. He becomes obsessed with the young directer Malcolm who is in an incestuous relationship with his beautiful sister Jenny. Thing begin to spiral out of control and soon he is trapped.Jeff Goldblum as usual gives a fine performance as the single father whose wife recently walked out leaving him to care for his young son.Miranda Richardson as Marilyn, his disabled agent is great as well. Both Dexter Fletcher as Malcolm Greene and Liza Walker as his sister Jenny Greene give good solid performances but to be honest, this is really Jeff Goldblum's film.This isn't a movie for all tastes, the buildup is slow and there is not a lot of action, but the story is atmospheric with a real underlying sense of creepiness that makes it interesting. While it is not as good as The Deadly Mr Frost, I think you will find it worthwhile.
Jeff Goldblum is a good actor. He has his typical way and sure enough this movie demonstrates his skills. However, the script is not well made. There is some interesting dialog, but there are many parts that should have been explained in more detail. The Paris scenery hadn't been used to an advantage; it could have taken place in any other city. The rest of the cast was simply poor; it explains why the other actors never hit it big. The worst part of the movie is the story itself; it's quite boring and one had wished a point or moral question would be addressed. The music was very wrong as well. It was out dated, even for 1980, and bad timing. The whole movie fails miserably in delivering a message or story telling. They posted this movie as a thriller, which puts the viewer in a wrong state of mind. It definitely was not worth my time. I voted 3/10.
This movie holds your interest for quite a while, with its eccentric and enigmatic characters, atmospheric direction and first-rate acting by Jeff Goldblum and Miranda Richardson (Lisa Walker is kind of weak though, as the nymphet). But eventually it becomes clear that the story leads nowhere. Its "title history" is a giveaway: you can find it listed under either "The Mad Monkey" (unattractive and meaningless - it's only the title of a fictional movie we learn nothing about) or "Twisted Obsession" (more "suggestive" and commercial)....but actually it doesn't matter what it's called, because it ultimately isn't ABOUT anything in particular. (**)