Two Lost Worlds

1951 "Maddened prehistoric monsters wage warfare to the death!"
4.1| 1h1m| NR| en

Shipwreck survivors land on an uncharted island inhabited by prehistoric beasts.


Producted By

Sterling Productions Inc.


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Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Leofwine_draca TWO LOST WORLDS is an amusing little adventure flick made on an obviously low budget. The story is about settlers versus pirates, with strapping James Arness the hero of the hour who spends most of his time in a love triangle with a pretty magistrate's daughter and her ranch-owning lover. The film has a low rent but exotic feel to it with a light, action-focused plot to keep youngsters entertained. Late on in the proceedings, the heroine is kidnapped by dastardly pirates and taken to a 'lost world' inhabited by erupting volcanoes and dinosaurs. The dinosaur footage is brief and ripped off from earlier films and features a couple of lizards with glued-on fins fighting. High art this ain't, but old B-movie fans will get a kick out of it.
iowastate-1 Before he became James Arness, James Aurness was captain of the Clipper ship "the Queen" sailing in the Pacific where he encounters pirates which leads to a trip to the hospital which in 1830 couldn't do much for his health but was an unusual setting for a romantic encounter with another mans girl.Just sit right back And you'll hear a tale A tale of a fateful trip, That started from this tropic port. The skipper was a Marshal brave and sure. the weather was fine but pirates attacked. The ship's aground on the shore Of this uncharted desert isle.So this is the tale of our castaways, They're here for a long, long time. The first mate and his Skipper, Chester and Festus, too!with recycled film from a dozen other movies. too try and keep things interesting.
Chris Gaskin Two Lost Worlds is more of an adventure movie than a sci-fi but I still quite enjoyed this.After being attacked by pirates, the clipper ship The Queen settles in Queensland, Austrlia while its captain recovers from injuries received during the attack. He falls in love with one of the local girls there and pirates then raid the colony and they escape. After the ship is attacked again and set on fire, the few survivors end up on an uncharted island where they encounter dinosaurs and then a volcanic eruption and earthquake and are then rescued.The dinosaur footage in this movie is the fight from One Million BC, as is the disaster footage, where we get to see more enlarged lizards from that movie too.The only member of the cast I've heard of in this is James Arness (The Thing From Another World, Them!).Despite the low budget, Two Lost Worlds is worth watching. Not bad at all.Rating: 3 stars out of 5.
schmigrex This movie is available on video, and I recommend buying it. A problem with the bad movie genre (subgenre? metagenre?) is that it is dominated by science fiction and horror. Well, this movie has elements of both, but it is mainly an adventure film gone horribly wrong. So, it is often overlooked as a source of unintentional laughs. Here's 10 good reasons to see it:1. Look at the tattoos in the opening and closing title sequence.2. Is it a historical drama? A pirate adventure? A monster movie? Who knows?3. Bad narration -- lots of it! Could be missing pieces of soundtrack.4. James Aurness (sic) -- He was more expressive as the carrot in "The Thing"5. Bill Kennedy -- the grouchy costar was later a popular TV movie host in the Detroit area -- a special Michigan connection6. Fight montage sequence -- there must be stuff from 10 movies in here!7. You know, you can MOVE that camera! But this cinematographer obviously wasn't aware -- he just turned the camera on, and people walked in and out of the shot. Guess he was in the can a lot.8. The monsters fight each other, but pose no threat to the humans. They should get guest star billing!9. If you can tell the two lead women apart, you're doing better than me.10. Last but not least -- the finale features the world's most powerful handheld telescope as a side-splitting topper.I've said enough -- and last but not least -- it's SHORT! The best quality a bad movie can have. This one's a winner, folks.