U.S. Seals

3.7| 1h30m| R| en

Dozens of American cargos with high valuable goods have disappeared, probably attacked by modern pirates. The United States decide to mobilize a team of expert SWAT, with Mike Bradley as leader, sending them to destroy the pirates' base, namely a deserted oil rig near Turkey. But these are cleverly waiting for them.


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Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
marchdr-3 I must admit, I knew this flicker was not the representation of real seals, however, I truly enjoyed the storyline of the flicker. Any time you can associate with the plite of persons, one can supplant themselves into the characters celluloid life.Moreover, being one that toils behind a desk all day long futzing with numbers as an accountant would, it makes me relax to visualize exteriors from other parts of the world. I was truly amazed that this flicker was shot in Bulgaria, while it appeared as though it were the middle of Caribbean Sea and San Francisco. Surprising. The acting was genuine. The cinematography was well done. Moreover the action scenes were well done. Cheerio. Carry on.
Lizal Ruffalo When I was a little girl i was to watch this guy Jim Fitzpatrick(IV) on a USA TV show all my children. I learn to speak English and I learn to acted as i was like the girls on the show all my children. So I see Mr. Jim Fitzpatrick(IV) on this army movie in the market i get the package and watch it. my momma and I are very much like him a lot in this role to defend his wife and baby. he very sexy and a lot like Mr. Mel Gibson handsome and action star that fight for the family. if a man don't want to defend his baby's and wife the man is not good for nothing. I don't like lazy man for nothing. they do nothing for anyone only them.I like this site for helping spelling.
sagewood-2 I wouldn't give this movie a 10, but I would definitely say rent it or buy it, because it's just plain fun stuff to watch. The actors are somewhat recognisable, but more importantly, you can tell that these actors hearts and souls are into it. They're not just walking through the film, and they were probably doing their own stunts. I'm a big fan of watching films without big stars, because big stars bore me with their mundane salaries. They don't give as strong a performance when they're rich. Go get'em boys.If you really want to have some fun, have a couple cocktails first so that you're in the mood to kick somebody's head in, and then watch this movie. The story will take you to the brink of insanity.
goarmy-1 There isn't one war picture or Military themed film that I haven't seen at least two or three times a piece. I'm one of those Extremely Patriotic Soldiers that enjoys going after the bad guys. You mess with freedom and innocence, I'm coming after you! I absolutely and thoroughly enjoyed U.S. Seals! I was definitely enthralled with the possibility of a Terrorist attacking someone in my family, and what I would do to to them. These types of movies aren't made for pansies that are afraid of dying or defending. They make little love stories for people like that. This is definitely about getting even. And getting even with Terrorists is what it's all about. Go Seals...Go Delta...Go Rangers...Go Army...Go Navy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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