Ultimax Force

1987 "The First Ninja Commandos"
4.8| 1h30m| en

The ULTIMAX FORCE, an elite group of Commandos, a force combining the skills of a Ninja warrior with U.S. Commando training, penetrate deep into Vietnamese territory. Their mission - to liberate a POW camp run by a sadistic colonel, who has mercilessly slaughtered his prisoners in a display of rabid madness and butchery; a challenge which, for them, is the ULTIMATE MAXIMUM.



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Spoonixel Amateur movie with Big budget
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
junselenyberg I saw this movie for the first time in 1987 as it was released as VHS rental movie. I was amazed about all Ninja movies at the time and this was the best in my opinion at that time, but just a vile after that it disappeared form the shelf's (...for ever it seemed). Ever since I have been looking for this movie to get me a copy if it either on VHS or on DVD and finally I found it!!Yes, from now on you can get hold of this awesome movie on DVD. It is released by Pegasus, don't know much about the company, it is released at mid-price and with only movie stills and interactive menu as extra material. As it seems, sorry to say, it is a VHS rip direct to DVD with no re-mastering or any fancy stuff so the picture is a bit "old" looking. But anyway it is finally possible to get hold of a copy!! For anyone interested, it can be ordered form Amazon
brian bosworth Ultimax force follows the predictable guidelines for a 1980's Vietnam movie, obviously the war is over and there are POW's who need to be saved by an elite force of martial arts experts. How many times can this be done and how many of these movies appear in the discount sections of movie stores?Possibly the worst film of it's kind! However a great sleep aid!
Sic Coyote The scrolling text at the start of the movie gives a background story very much like Cobra Mission. POWs are still being held in Vietnam and being killed & tortured all the time. So a crack team of ninja commandos(sic) are sent off to bring one of their friends back who's still being held captive. After gathering the information and equipment they need they are flown out and set on their quest to free the captives.The film starts up with some very cheap titles and music with is kind of cool really(in my opinion) quite like Bad Taste's score. Then we get treated to a quite well choreographed ninja fight sequence with kitanas. Although not making to much sense it does serve as a nice intro to the film. Then we have the rest of the film of them going through jungle shooting up the enemy jumpin about and throwing grenades. There's action, treachery, more action, more treachery which all leads up to a literally explosive conclusion.This is a quite fun film, although not brilliantly done it manages to fill itself out with plenty of varied action and you don't get bored watching it. Plus unlike quite a few films the ending is not a total let down but actually is very cool.I've never seen this available on video anywhere except for the one copy I have so I'm guessing that it's quite obscure, one to add to my list of totally obscure (English language) films. See this if you can and if you don't expect to much from it, you'll have a good time. 8/10