Ultracop 2000

4.1| 1h26m| en

In the distant year of 2000,two (count them) alien dudes from Mars "arouse panic" on the futuristic streets of Manila. Meanwhile a team of futuristic cops (they got headsets) try to bust Drago the drogbaron (a cameo by Melvin Wong). And on the other end of the town a comical gay geezer infected with AIDS try to commit suicide. Somehow these three subplots merge and the laughs begin.


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Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Keira Brennan The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
gridoon Martian supercop chases Martian supervillain to Earth, and Yukari Oshima's special forces unit has to deal with them - and with warring criminal gangs on the side. "Ultracop 2000" epitomizes nearly everything that can be bad about Hong Kong cinema - sloppy direction, incoherent script, lowbrow humor, obvious and silly wirework, jerky editing, etc. - while offering very little of the good - a few nice explosions and stunts that barely earn this film * out of 4 stars. A word of advice: if you know someone who has never seen a HK film before, please don't let "Ultracop 2000" be his/her first one or he/she may never want to see another one again! A sad waste of Yukari Oshima, who deserves better than this.
peter07 Even if you are a fan of Yukari Oshima, AVOID this turkey at all costs. I was dumb enough to buy the DVD without checking it out first.The plot, acting and premises are all so stupid. One can tell that this was just a rushed job to make quick bucks (I'm not sure if it did even that).Again, you have been warned.
dmuel If you are a fan of Hong Kong movies you are likely familiar with the way they combine different genres, i.e. Kung Fu and Horror, for a lot of thrills and fun. Ultracop 2000 tries to combine elements of Highlander and Hardboiled, among others. But I am writing this comment in case you've seen this movie on the shelf at your local video store and thought about checking it out. Forget it! For some reason this flick has also been released on DVD but it hardly merits a VHS release. The cop characters are extremely wooden and the Highlander-type aliens seem more clownish than dramatic. The gun play looks and sounds like cap guns, and junkers are used in the 15 m.p.h. car crashes. The entire budget for this movie was probably about $100, and that's Hong Kong dollars. They didn't spend a nickel on screenwriting that's for sure. Rent something else.

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