
2017 "We're not alone. We never were."
7| 1h40m| en

Dr. Steven Greer presents brand new top-secret evidence supporting extraterrestrial contact, including witness testimony, classified documents, and UFO footage, while also exploring the consequences of ruthlessly enforcing such secrecy.


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Auroris Media


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Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Cissy Évelyne It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
qormi Really dumb documentary hosted by a man who claims to be an ER doctor. His teeth look like they had been neglected for decades and they keep protruding from his scarred face as he makes one wild assertion after another. At one point, this nut made himself cry. Some of the crazy claims put forth: There are as many earth like planets in the universe as there are grains of sand on the beach, there have been over 100 UFO crashes in New Mexico, the amount of energy contained in an empty coffee cup can boil the water in all the oceans, JFK was killed because he knew too much about UFOs, etc...and then there is the claim that Hitler had military flying saucers and we see photoshopped pics of nazi officers standing in front of them, with swastikas painted on them. Then we have various oddballs telling tales of UFOs.... really stupid, crazy stuff.
tom spud Just like the Blair Witch Project but better!What is even more amusing is that there are people who believe the information being given in this movie, the best ones of which are: - 1. A car engine that runs on water 2. An Alien base on the dark side of the moon 3. There are between 3 and 7 (yes, that's right, 3 and 7) intelligent species in our Milky Way. ET stopped past on his way back from Rigel 6 and gave NASA the update last August on a Sunday around Tea Time. 4. Marilyn Munroe and the JFK were killed because of their knowledge of Aliens but the presenter of this film and the other speakers are quite safe to tell you this. 5. My personal favourite. Aliens wish to make peaceful contact but they are too scared because we are a danger to them! Aliens are obviously happy to fly about the sky in broad daylight but don't want to come too close in case some steals their Energy Weapons or puts a parking ticket on their viewfinder. Those horrible people, higher up than than the President, are making it really difficult for them to make contact with nice countries like France; the Aliens obviously can't use the Internet or make phone calls!Some good comedy with this movie too. It's deffo worth a watch.
kylechevy This a great collection of information that has obviously been withheld (or edited) from the public for many years. This is also evident with how little, or no, media coverage has been allocated to such a successful documentary that would inform the public on much needed information. This ET topic is no different than how global warming/environmental issues were thought of as crazy 15 years ago. Let's start talking, looking at the available information, and ultimately start electing government officials that will at least listen to us.Dr. Greer and many other people have put their personal and professional lives on the line to educate the public on a very important topic. The least we can do for each other, our relations, and our future success, is to simply watch the film and start a discussion about it. Please engage in your own research and you'll quickly see that there is more empirical evidence to support what the documentary claims, as opposed to what the media and government organizations choose to share with us. Take a chance and be the judge yourself, but educate yourself before judging. A true researcher is both skeptical and open-minded, just like Dr. Greer has been.
Bert Krus I truly am interested in UFO's but it's had to find any real evidence. I remember, when I was a child, in the seventies, me and my brothers watched some very strange lights high op in the air. They were definitely not from an airplane or helicopter. The lights had different colors and switched places quickly, but they stayed together, at one spot in the air. All together I think we saw them some 15 minutes. We did not photograph them, we were outside in the fields of our farm. My mother had a camera, but it was a cheap Kodak thing...but I never ran home to get it, guess I was too baffled. Now on this documentary, well, it's all about a big cover up, accrediting wealthy people and the FBI and CIA and the Military way too much power. That is typical thinking for people who don't have any control over their lives but can not admit that and blame an invisible and outside power. Unacknowledged consists mostly of hundreds of old typed phrases digitally rolling over the screen, supported by found footage that has nothing to do with it. Marilyn Monroe was killed because she knew about the aliens, seriously? Many times I heard the obsolete argument that the public would go in total panic and anarchy when we learn the truth. Well, I wont. There was one very tiny alien, and it was all too clearly a wooden carved toy. It only takes a little transparent square plate to capture and use the power that is hidden in one m2 of space, and that delivers so much power that is can boil and vaporize our oceans. But because Shell Oil wants to make money the old way this technique will never be applied. Right, evil minds rule the world and love pollution. The man who invented the car on water was killed, of course...No, he had high blood pressure and died of acute internal vain bleeding, and he was psychotic as well. His car concept was researched many times but when he had to show his car he always cancelled his appointments.