Uncle P

3.7| 1h28m| en

Rapper/multi-millionaire P. Miller becomes the guardian of his sister's three children - all of whom need a father figure in their lives.


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Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Patience Watson One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
kelsogw After watching this film I felt like a perverted cult leader. I had a strong urge to take my best friend's DVD and burn it in a scorching fire. This DVD is sin; it is the spawn of evil.Due to the pain and agony I endured while viewing this movie, I knew it must be thrown back into the fiery depths from whence it came. Like most films of this nature, I had not the pleasure of choosing this on my own, or the strength to flick it off. I would use the bad car accident analogy; although I believe it was more of a blotched plastic surgery aftermath. It was tacky awful and vomit inducing.The opening credits began with a sad cartoon of black people riding in a minivan, representing Uncle P and his family. The caricatures looked sad and unfinished, in fact it seems that they had run out of money near the end, and kept the draft copy of the animation.This movie was made in 2005, and I was very surprised to hear this, because, the movie looked like it was made in 1995. It's a kid's movie I know, and they didn't have a big budget, but that doesn't make up for sloppy mistakes found in some of the scenes. Many of the actors repeated their lines or said the same thing over again, and the dialogue was dull. They were amateurs along with the rest of the film crew. In fact the movie stars an actual rapper -Percy Miller, as himself.Percy Miller or "Uncle P" is a business entrepreneur with his own clothing line; P Miller. Apparently everyone who lives in the neighbourhood is a P Miller fan, because it is seen on every single person in every single scene. It looked like an advertisement for bootlegged clothing brands.Overall this movie was a tacky remake of an already tacky film "Are we done yet?" starring ice cube. Please hip hop artists, don't make another movie where you have to take care of children. Especially you R. Kelly.
got2bmor I understand the release date is 2007, but this movie had to be filmed several years ago based on the age of Lil Romeo. He appears to be around 14 when this was filmed. Never mind, I just checked Wikipedia. This movie was filmed in 2005, he would have been 14 to 15. I KNEW I was not crazy. He looks so much younger (and shorter) than he is currently in 2008. The movie wasn't all that great, but then again, it was rather wholesome and not filled with a lot of cursing, booty shaking, half-naked folks. I am not a prude mind you, but just glad that it is something I wouldn't mind the children watching. That is hard to find these days.
jithendravs see if u are one of those guys having a note on your left and and a pen on your right checking out mistakes,logics,story or anything of that sort,please don't watch this movie.but if u are one of those guys who need a warm film with some smiles.this is your shot.i mean whats wrong man don't these guys like some family movies.see i am a guy from India for me family matters the most.the relationship of that family was explained beautifully.come on pl see the movie if u want some smiles here and there.its a cute movie man.don't go too harsh on iti liked 51st dates i liked envy i liked shrek if u like them u will like this too.thank u for reading my comment its my first

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