Uncrossing the Sea

5.5| 0h8m| en

XAN (20s) flies back to New York after his mothers recent 'departure', where he spends a night in her old apartment, in her absence.


Bloom Li


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RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
pointyfilippa The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.
Hayleigh Joseph This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.

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