Memorable, crazy movie
Good concept, poorly executed.
When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Staci Frederick
Blistering performances.
Under the Bed is a movie starring Jonny Weston, Gattlin Griffith, and Peter Holden. Two brothers team up to battle a creature under the bed, in what is being described as a "suburban nightmare" tale. Under the Bed is one of those films that were probably released straight to dvd and it makes sense of course or either played in select cinemas back in 2012, the movie is directed by Steven C. Miller one of the worst directors of our time that still struggles on making a good movie. The acting was pretty low average, the script and plot were ridiculous and the monster that does show up in the end of the film and the older brother goes up against looks terrible. Overall just a stupid horror movie.
I so badly wanted to like this film, as I thought it would finally convince children there could indeed be a monster under the bed! Unfortunately it was not the case. At first, the film only gives us bits and pieces to chew on, keeping you guessing. Then, all of a sudden, everything happens at once during the film's final moments. The film was not scary at all, and suffers from a lot of plot flaws. Where did the demon come from and why is it haunting the brothers? Why would they still sleep on the bed if the know the monster is indeed under the bed? Why is the demon so utterly passive for the first three quarters of the film? The demon haunted them years ago, as well, and their mother died attempting to save them? What happened to the demon thereafter and why is it back now? How can the father still not believe them? The father is also the most annoying character with the most deja vu attitude and dialogue I've seen. Nope, there are better films out there.
WHat else can I say but it is super enjoyable.I am not sure why the low score. Most likely the high and mighty audience. It is a throwback to some really good 80's horror.It is reminiscent of those great horrors where kids were kid and acted like kids. The kids in the movie are very relateable sort of like the children in the Goonies or ET.The title of the movie is the plot but are all the kids crazy? Is it in their heads? Who knows, you must watch to find out. I highly recommend giving this a watch.I will give it an 8 to a 9 out of 10. Are there plot holes possibly. But does it stop the fun and! Highly recommended.
Under the Bed is not your average horror movie. Instead it has the feel of good old films like Fright Night or Lost Boys. The story is that of two young brothers battling a demon that lives under their bed. They have a choleric and frustrated father who is always angry and doesn't believe them and then there is his wife, who is replacing the boys' mother, dead in suspicious circumstances.I liked in this movie that they didn't go into the usual recipe of people who don't really believe something is going on, but something is always behind them or in a mirror. Well, there is some of that, but not excessively so. The brothers both know the demon is real and they have to battle on two fronts: the demon at night and their asshole father during the day. All in all a very beautiful premise and well played by all actors.What I didn't like was the end. Suddenly, after years of subtle activity, the monster emerges and starts killing everything that moves. They don't really explain the demon world that the brothers explore for a brief moment, nor the monster's fascination with the older brother. However, even if I didn't enjoy the end as much as the rest of the movie, it doesn't mean it is a bad ending and overall I liked the movie and its feel very much.Bottom line: it felt like an old school horror movie, that contains good acting as well as a captivating story. They didn't even use CGI, as the monster was a guy in a suit and all the other effects were done with smoke, lightning and rubber props. I thought it was a small distance away from a cult classic and only the rather abrupt and kind of pointless ending spoiled it. I do hope they make a sequel, preferably with the demon returning and saying "Boyyy!" :)