Good concept, poorly executed.
Best movie of this year hands down!
The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Lachlan Coulson
This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
pokok789 .
This movie does not make any sense and it is not even funny. This movie does not break any grounds and is downright offensive. I can go on and on about how bad this movie is. Firstly, it's a dumb urban myth that a straight guy can get laid with any ladies by acting gay. Secondly, no gay guy will ever go to a straight club to hook up with the ladies. The ladies should know that. Thirdly, is there ever such thing as gay guys becoming straight if they sleep with a hot girl. Now, this is where the problem lies. The homophobic parents decided to hire a girl, Michelle LaFrance to turn their pretend gay son straight. The girl has made a business out of "turning gay boys straight" and is charging $20,000 (rolling my eyes) for her "expertise". She also has a whole string of ex-gay clients who have an obsession with her. OK. Where will the parents going to get the 20 grand to pay this girl? Why were the producers and writers of this movie think that a gay guy will dump his gay life after an encounter with Michelle LaFrance. Don't get me wrong. Michelle LaFrance is an attractive lady but she's not a head turner. Gay guys don't get attracted to any ladies for a matter of fact and certainly not to Michelle LaFrance. It's laughable that she can command a legion of ex-gays to be obsessed with her. Way to live up to the myopic stereotype that gays are not born and can be changed. All I can say is that the people who made this movie are straight guys who are clueless about anything gay.
As a gay man I found this movie to be cute. I watched the movie as something that I could go to sleep to, so something that I didn't really need to pay attention to; however, I found myself invested in the plot. I find some of the aspects of the things that the characters were doing morally reprehensible but I enjoyed the movie. Also the main character and his best friend are pretty attractive. This movie actually looks at what a lot of people wonder about gay guys. I would recommend the movie to someone who just wants to watch something to be entertained and not someone who will look at the deeper meaning of the plot or what ever movie snobs look at. Basically you should watch it if you need to waste an hour and a half.
As a gay film its awful.As a straight man's or chick flick its awful.1. The premise that a good looking woman could turn a gay man straight is as stupid as a hot looking gay man could turn a straight man gay! I know its just a movie but its stupid.2. The acting was more like a film project for a grade 10 film class. One person would say their line, there was a pause, the camera would then go to the other person and they they would say their line. It was as painful as I can imagine being 'waterboarded at GitMo!' 3. The 'acting' like you were gay, was so put on that it was also painful. To go to a straight club and act like this - most of the str8 men would have clocked his ass. And to come on to the str8 men like he did was pitiful. A str8 man would have been offended and a gay man looking at the movie would also be offended.4. The camera work was too amateur to be believed.RUN in the other direction before you watch this, unless you want to get all the tips on how not to make a movie, even a home movie of your Granny and family at a Thanksgiving weekend visit.