
2015 "Online, your memories last forever. But so do your mistakes."
5.6| 1h23m| R| en

While video chatting one night, six high school friends receive a Skype message from a classmate who killed herself exactly one year ago. At first they think it's a prank, but when the girl starts revealing the friends' darkest secrets, they realize they are dealing with something out of this world, something that wants them dead.


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Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
payupyou When I first viewed this film I really didn't like it. Found it to be tedious and slow paced. As the new Unfriended is coming out I thought I'd give this another shot - glad I did. I won't say the acting is fantastic but it doesn't suck either. The scenes are great considering the level of technology at the time of filming. The use of on-line style communication services, seeing how vulnerable the characters were to intrusion and their loss of control of the situation I felt were well directed. I'd recommend it for something to fill up your collection - not great, but worth a watch now and then.
embryo923 For anyone who is an internet nerd and loves going on forums and chatting and is in tune with the internet culture, this movie is hysterically accurate and really fun to watch. There is a lot going on in this movie, you can't multitask and follow the story, no, you have to focus and learn the names of the characters and about the drama that is going on between them all. It's very easy to get interested in this movie once it starts rolling, and I really enjoyed it.
chimera3 Seriously, a horror movie centered around Skype? Give me a break. This is was another movie that I was drawn into by previews and I have to say that I regret it. I thought it was actually be somewhat enjoyable...but it was anything but. Sitting in front of the computer and chatting with your friends is not what I want to watch for 83 minutes. Do that on your own time. The camera that was probably used for this so-called film was most likely a webcam. Why? Nobody moves. Not a soul.Centered around a group of young people who are haunted by the suicide of another friend of theirs, they just talk and talk and talk about nothing. Even for 83 minutes, it still goes by painfully slow. This must have been very cheap to make because the death scenes are absolutely ridiculous and nobody moved from their respective spots. Um, isn't the idea of a movie to go from set to set and not sit in one place for the whole thing?I don't see how something like this could have even made a profit. As with so many others like it, there are no scares and you can almost see the deaths before they come because the unseen spirit of the dead friend is tormenting them into killing themselves. Just plain pathetic, if you ask me. I always love a good ghost story, but this was just out-and-out dreadful. No way around it. No special effects, pathetic dialogue, and it all takes place in front of a single computer. The actors who put this piece of film muck should be ashamed of themselves. Aren't there other worthy horror scripts that young people like this could pick up and audition for? Apparently not. I have never been a firm believer in Instant Messaging or Skype, particularly because I have next to no one to talk to on it. Um, there's something called a cell phone that you can talk to your friends on. You don't need Skype to have a conference call about next to nothing.
Ehmong Paulino This movie deserves more than the 5plus rating that it currently have. A high 6 or 7 plus rating will do justice.If you are fond of thriller/crime movies then this is definitely a must watch. Not so much on the story but the acting, the directing and how they deliver the story is totally the upside of this film.Just don't expect it to be on the level of "Don't Breathe" kind of movies but definitely something that would be worth your while and definitely - no dull/wasted moments.