
4.1| 1h30m| en

During a wild weekend in Las Vegas, four young friends get into trouble with a loan shark and must skip town in a hurry. But gambling problems may be the least of their worries after they get stranded in the Nevada desert. One of the guys discovers a mysterious metal fragment, then promptly goes missing during the night. When the remaining three catch up with their lost friend, there's something different about him. As his condition worsens, the others realize that something unearthly might be stalking them in the desert.


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AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Benas Mcloughlin Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
rollingpix I stumbled across this movie on Prime and thoroughly enjoyed it. I agree with the Refreshing! review by Petrino. Only thing is I give it a higher rating, 10 stars. It grabbed my attention right at the outset and held it firmly for the full 90 minutes. It starts out as a road comedy with some pretty funny goings-on and escalates gradually into twisted sci-fi desert insanity. I've seen a lot of movies like this that don't work, so it's a real achievement when you see one as good as this one is. The story is a little meandering, but I found that to be part of its charm. The actors are all quite good in situations both hilarious and horrifying. As Petrino says, you feel like you're with real people with authentic relationships, nothing's forced. The Las Vegas scenes are really quite humorous, with real threatening characters breaking up the central characters' plans. The guy that plays the youngest member of the quartet, Erik Artell as Jodie, bears a slight resemblance to Topher Grace of That 70s Show, and his clueless but imaginative innocence adds a lot of fun to the proceedings. His ideas about creating a YouTube show are pretty wild. Eddie Mui is terrific as Nick the gambler on a losing streak being heckled by his wife (for good reason). And Parry Shen and Colton Dunn as Jeremy and Dave are right in there with the action and the laughs. There's one scene in Vegas where the dung hits the fan and everybody's freaking out, but Dunn tiptoes fast through the shot with an impish expression on his face that's priceless but totally in character. Real good special visual effects too. I really liked this movie a lot and I wish the filmmakers well. I hope they make more movies. And I don't agree at all with the negative reviews here that give it low ratings. Thumbs up here! Take a chance on it.
Leofwine_draca UNIDENTIFIED is a low budget sci-fi comedy indie that forgets the science fiction stuff for the first hour. Until that point it's a slacker comedy filmed from the point of view of found footage and with endlessly lame humour that the viewer has to sit through. It's something of an endurance test. Later, once the action shifts to the desert, there's some brief alien stuff and a CGI UFO, but believe me it's really not worth the wait.
Jeff V I really, really like sci-fi. And I don't have any problem with found footage movies. And I appreciate a well done indie on a budget. But this move is just 70 minutes of some uninteresting characters getting ready for a road trip, going on a road trip, then about 45 minutes in, they start to occasionally see or hear something weird for a second. Someone occasionally says "Did you hear/see that?", then they move on with their mundane dialog.The acting is good and believable, which is part of what's so sad. If this at least had poor acting, I could laugh at that. But this movie is all about portraying 70 minutes of believable found footage, then the last 20 minutes it gets good. But at that point, I don't give a damn. I bought it used at Family Video off the rental shelf for $5, only $1.50 more than renting it. It's now in my Buybacks bag of movies to get rid of.The **SPOILER** here is that this actually becomes a sci-fi movie at the end, after being an extremely boring found footage movie for the first hour+.
Joshua Petrino I actually loved this film. It doesn't wear out it's welcome. These guys obviously had a low budget but some scenes made it look like they had seven figures. I don't even like found footage films but I genuinely enjoyed this film from beginning to end. I find that most found footage flicks fall short when it comes to having natural dialogue and reactions to what is going on but this is definitely doesn't have that problem. When you watch you feel like you're watching real people with a genuine relationship with one another rather than four people acting with forced dialogue. Is it close and counters? No, but Its a hell of a lot better than most indie films coming out these days, especially found footage. Its just a fun ride with something for everyone. There are a lot of laughs, a gross out scene or two, some genuine scares, and AWESOME special fx. The film makers obviously worked hard and did a very good job on a shoestring budget. Its something I'm going to share with my friends and it was DEFINITELY worth my time. It reminds me of a Detroit Rock City type of flick. I don't think that movie is for everybody but the people who LOVE it LOVE it and show their friends. I went from renting this one, to owning it immediately afterward. Worth a watch if you're a movie nerd who likes aliens or group adventure films.