
2004 "Witness the trials and tribulations of post breakup single life in New York City, and find out just how manipulated this documentary is."
6.4| 1h36m| NR| en

"unREAL" is almost a mockumentary. This romantic comedy takes a no-holds barred approach to rebounding from broken relationships and post break-up single life in New York City. Plenty of laughs for both sexes when witnessing the trials and tribulations of post break-up single life in New York City while learning just how manipulated a documentary can be.


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Also starring Michael Giese

Also starring Kelly-Ann Tursi


Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Eunjeen I just finished watching this movie, so it is still fresh in my mind. This movie was awful! It was NOT "break-up therapy" as suggested at all!! This movie was more ABOUT reality shows than it was about break-ups/relationships. I think it would have been better if it was presented not as a documentary, but an actual movie. It seems almost realistic, since they didn't use actors and actresses that actually LOOKED like Hollywood actors/actresses (GOOD LOOKING), though I think the Jake character was good looking (I think he might be gay, though? A little too feminine.) Save your money and wait to see it on those B-list movies that come on UPN or something.
coltrane1034 I rented "Unreal" with my girlfriend from Hollywood Video last week. She wanted a chick flick and so she was immediately drawn to "Unreal," in it's sleek pink DVD case. But, after a half an hour of watching, I couldn't help but get hooked on this movie about single life in New York. I could really relate to the characters and it perfectly captured both the thrill and frustration of starting new relationships. "Unreal's" mock-documentary style has been done before but it really had a fresh take on the genre. The interviews that were interwoven throughout the story were classic! I always wanted to know what the Naked Cowboy thought about LOVE! Check this movie out...you won't be disappointed!
selfconscious1 unREAL - as ironically literal as a title could be - is the type of film with such absolutely relate-able truth that it is the perfect movie to watch when getting through a breakup, or for any time in a relationship or single life for that matter. It truly has something for everyone, whether you're the sensitive romantic type, or edgier player type. This movie captures the best and worst parts of every aspect of relationships. With that, it even has a twist in the story while poking fun at reality TV. UNREAL has quickly moved into my favs with REALITY BITES, SINGLES, and SWINGERS. It couldn't be more of a perfect breakup therapy!
aaron14mtn This "movie" is how unreal reality shows can be I guess. It supposedly takes you through three post-relationships. But it doesn't really make it that far into all three. It mainly focuses on how two people out of two couples meet. But the "producers" or whoever throws in people to move the story along which I didn't like. The whole idea of a "movie" is to make it seem real and draw me into the characters in my belief. And I was drawn in until they introduced the idea that the whole documentary could be unreal. I'm looking for a happy ending at the end and I don't know if the ending is real or not, which I guess the makers wanted but I didn't like the feeling of it. I liked Jack's line about music being related to a drug addiction because that seemed real, but it's "tainted" by the fact that it all could have been scripted. It's an alright movie if you dislike reality shows I would say.

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