Unseen Evil 2

2005 "A new breed of predator."
2.6| 1h21m| R| en

After a series of brutal, unexplained murders in a remote forest, a rogue military unit is recruited to hunt for whoever - or whatever - has rendered the attacks. In order to carry out the investigation, they need the help of the only survivor, Kate. But first they have to get her released from the mental institution she's been confined to since the horrific attack.


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Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
dominion76251 Hands down, this is the most vile piece of garbage ever committed to film. I am a big fan of B movies: flicks so bad they are good. This is not it. This is the "so inept it should have been destroyed as soon as it was made" bad. Honestly, a 12 year old could have come up with a more coherent story. NONE of it made sense, the special effects were a joke. Even the actors knew what was up. They just deliver their lines with a sarcastic smile/laugh, as if saying "is this abortion over yet?". The box picture is an outright lie: false advertising trying to suck in unsuspecting rental customers. There is no alien like it at all in the movie. Obviously this was a trick by the video company to get some return on their investment when they realized the movie alone wouldn't do it. Avoid this at all costs. It is not even worth renting to laugh at it. The only redeeming part of the whole movie was the one hot brunette who swore nonsensically for no reason all the time. How a movie this bad can get a national video release and end up in video stores throughout the country is beyond me, while many AWESOME 70s and 80s movie STILL aren't even available on DVD. Sad. This flick is the reason IMDb needs to allow a 0 rating. You have been warned.
microfame I think the other reviewers covered much of the excremental content of this film, but I didn't see mention of the ridiculous shots of Lorenzo and the other guy "inside" the helicopter cockpit, which made Ed Wood's "Plan 9" airplane cockpit look good by comparison. As to the multiple and varied CGI images of the "alien", it was as if someone made a bunch of test effects for the film, and they decided to use every bit of it somewhere in the movie. It all proves that as long as the DVD cover art and write up are good, you can cram 90 minutes of any filler onto a disc. I only paid $2 for it, at one of those "overstock" type stores, so it didn't financially hurt me, and I KNEW it probably wouldn't be great, but I didn't imagine it could be so brutally bad......really, nearly unbearably, awful. Only those of you here on IMDb who have seen it will know about the severity of the pain I'm describing.....
lordzedd-3 I place blame for this utter disaster of a movie squarely on one of the worst directors of this or any century. I'm speaking of Jeff Leroy. If you look up HACK DIRECTOR in the dictionary, not only would his picture be there, but his entire life story! If I was going to write or direct a sequel to something, I would at least watch the original. But this complete moron didn't. He changed the location, the first movie happened in the forest, not the freaking desert. The creature was dumped their CENTURIES AGO! If it was freaking prelude to invasion what the hell took so long for then to return? The cave drawling said it was a failed experiment that they dumped here. ANOTHER BAD CHANGE. They totally changed the creature's look. Plus the OTHER SHOE ending, after KATE kills it, a UFO shows up with a freaking army of those things. The end of the world. A bad ending, what would expect from the hack Jeff Leroy who brought you CAMP BLOOD. Another pile of crap.
Polaris_DiB Now, hold on a second: I want to make quite clear that I already expected this film to be terrible going into it, and was sitting down for some nice camp value or something. I didn't really expect very much at all from it, except one single, tiny thing: an Alien.It's just a simple request... and this movie completely failed my expectations.To get anywhere near the Alien mythos would be to assume that this is a sequel to Alien Vs Predator and that hybrid thing at the end spawned a race of hybrid things that made terrible flying saucer things then went around hiding in caves protecting ancient Mayan treasures... or maybe this film has absolutely nothing about Aliens at all and is just a Predator/Independence Day/Men in Black rip-off about a bunch of annoying losers who walk around a desert all day being stupid while something that looks kind of like a cross between an action figure and a computer game chases them around.I want to say that this movie is redeemable in that it's honest: it opens on a shot of boobs. It might as well have opened on an opening script that said, "The following is senseless lack of entertainment and should only be approached with a MST3000-ft stick," except it wasn't honest; it promised me Aliens and it didn't give me Aliens! I cannot emphasize this point much better! The case this DVD comes in has an Alien! It's name is Alien 3000! The decoration on the DVD disc has an Alien! Isn't this a good case for false advertising or something? How did the filmmakers possibly, POSSIBLY have been allowed to call this an Alien movie? Except that it's actually called Unseen Evil 2... which means it's a sequel to a completely different thing. The unseen evil is that now I can't rent a movie without wondering if the product I'm getting has any relation at all to the advertising it comes with.About the movie itself, real quick: bad acting terrible directing not scary boring pointless stupid characters really bad effects boring opens with boobs.--PolarisDiB

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