Truly Dreadful Film
Such a frustrating disappointment
The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Although I don't agree with the premise of the theology of this film, I thought it was well made for what it was and an entertaining story. I understand that some people who don't believe in God will come up with stuff about how terrible it is because they don't get it, but if you are willing to watch it without that kind of bias, you might get into the story and think it is worth your time somewhat, in spite of the main story line being representative of an American made theology.
Yes, this one is as bad as they get. While the acting is mediocre, the production value is amateurish by even rural community center standards, it's the plot and script that is the real atrocity.The plot is simple: all of a sudden millions of people around the world go poof and vanish into thin air. Why this leads to societal breakdown so bad that all the infrastructure doesn't work anymore is a true mystery, this happens only in America. Even if half the employees of all power companies go poof, it still wouldn't mean that there's no electricity. Incidentally, it also shows why it's so bad to have more guns than people in your country: everyone will start shooting first, ask questions never.This flic is also racist: of all the reverends/priests, it's the black one (Obama look-a-like too!) that doesn't go to heaven?? I mean, Jesus Christ!And then, at the end: It's all a United Nations plot, people!!! The anti-Christ is the secretary general of the UN! New World Order and all that! New World Order is the ridiculous scare mongering boogey man that KKonservatives and/or the ReichWing have been using as an excuse to not pay for helping truly poor countries via UNESCO. Just to make it extra nauseating.0/10 The Melancholic Alcoholic.
Wael Abboud
One of the most boring movies I have watched. The story, the plot and the characters, nothing is special about it. Maybe the first few minutes where you see cars crashing suddenly and people disappearing, you can get excited, but after that it is not up to the expectations. The movie has some glitches and could have been written better. Finally, the whole idea of the movie doesn't really make sense.
I'm not quite sure why this version was made in the first place, there's nothing new no novel "revelations" 4400 and TAKEN are light years ahead in terms of production values, writing and acting (same basic story without pretending there's any truth in it) If you're looking for actual miracles this film makes Left Behind 2000 almost watchable in comparison. I wouldn't want to write off the young actors on a single viewing as the script is truly terrible and I doubt Streep, Oldman or DiNero could have rung anything out of it. Maybe they can put this behind them dust themselves down and start again. I understand that I'm not the target audience for this film and it is in fact thinly veiled propaganda, But that's no reason to make a bad film