
2018 "Someone answered your call."
6.2| 1h45m| R| en

In 1991 Madrid, after holding a séance at school, a teen girl minding her younger siblings at home suspects an evil force has entered their apartment.


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Also starring Bruna González


Ploydsge just watch it!
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
rohitlawange My friend got me into this movie, telling me that it is the scariest movie in world. The movie started, it was progressing very slowly. though the plot is nice, the end or climax is horrible. There is nothing scary about climax or anything in the movie. I felt disappointed after watching the movie.
lisarandall-71594 I was excited about this movie however turned it off after the first 5 minutes spent more time reading the subtitles and missing the actual movie scenes if your not a fan of subtitles give this a miss!
bremeer How did this movie get any hype at all? I had very high hopes for verónica. The story is just yet another ouija demon, so predictible throughout the whole movie, the demon was overexposed like in most horrorfilms which makes the movie not scary at all and the demons appearance isn't even scary to begin with. I recommend you don't watch it, it's a waste of time.
laurie-86667 I was so excited to watch this because of the dumb --obviously fake---- news article about how it was the scariest movie ever and Netflix users had to turn it off in the middle. Ugh. Don't fall for the hype. This is a very AVERAGE scary movie. I give it 7 stars because 1) it has a story that kinda makes sense 2) Catholic schools with blind nuns and basements are creepy 3) the little boy in the movie is fricking adorable 4) I love foreign movies 5) Ouja boards are scary. DO NOT mess with them 6) full Monty ghost was creepy 7) special effects were pretty convincing. Somehow, I fell asleep at the very end of the movie. So, I have no idea how it ended. It wasn't that scary.