everything you have heard about this movie is true.
It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Humaira Grant
It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
I liked "Veronika Voss" surprisingly much. I saw some themes in there that kept my interest. So far I hadn't liked RWF's films of his last period (that's out of three periods). I especially liked how it took the word "Sehnsucht" literally: sehnen = yearning; Sucht = addiction. It's how I like to ponder on the word.What I think appealed to Robert about Veronika was her public status. She was a prestigious grande dame, not unattractive and he thought she was rich. Such a person has a special appeal. Robert's girlfriend also understood this appeal very well and almost accepted the situation without putting up a fight. Robert's appeal for Veronika was that she told herself that he was interested in her for her own (fading) beauty, while in reality he did recognize the film star before he offered her "umbrella and protection".A moment that made me break out in laughter was also towards the beginning when Veronika and Robert are having a drink, he says something like "reality isn't like a movie", she agrees and not even a second later she turns to the waiter and bursts out: "The lighting is hideous in here! Turn those lights off and light the candles!" Also unsubtle but very poignant and a humorous moment.For a minute I was a bit disappointed when in the film suddenly a villain emerged in the person of the doctor. It wasn't what I wanted from the film, but it unexpectedly actually made this RWF's most suspenseful film because of the second half. I find it to be more of a thriller than 'Martha' was.The scene with Veronika denying Robert Krohn in front of the police I thought would have made a satisfying and poignant ending but it continued the story quite hastily with Veronika dying and Robert giving up, which eventually also made for a good and probably even more poignant ending.I'm sure those anything-but-subtle lens flares had their purpose. For Veronika it wasn't just a happy past but she glorifies this time of her life, which justifies this extreme visual effect.The overall bright B&W photography is excellent eye candy. It's an unusual approach to tell a dark story in so much white and to tell a relatively sober period piece in stark B&W.
This was my introduction to the works of Rainer Werner Fassbinder & only one of a short selection of New German Cinema I have seen.Immediate thoughts were that the direction is nice, Fassbinder has a fascination of adding touches such as shooting from behind objects such as windows and walls and framing the scene within this context as well as lots of interplay with shadows. The black and white is used to a really good contrast and if anything the film is pleasing to look at. Scenes with the leading lady have glitter shining off her jewelery and it looks like you would expect fame in all its superficial but alluring glory.The soundtrack is great, I get off on detail in this area and radio interludes constantly playing in the background a'la Midnight Cowboy along with well timed emotional musical cues are very effective. A few songs are highlighted in key scenes such as some twangy country music and the beautiful vocal number towards the end which provides quite an impact on the senses.The thing that really lets Veronica Voss down is the story, its good but its just not very interesting. A sports reported has an affair with a fading actress, who is involved in a plot by a neurologist that hooks rich patients up with morphine to get their trust and eventually their fortune when they die. Now... it sounds workable and it is. But its rather plodding how it is played out, although the actors are fantastic and do a great job portraying their characters it all feels very superficial and it is hard to sympathize with their plight. Some might argue that this is the intention of the film maker to get across the superficial nature of actresses in general but it doesn't feel so convincing to me.In short Veronica Voss is a feast for the eyes at times, and the soundtrack is excellent but something feels a tad hollow. Most of the appeal seems to come from that it shows off the era, and well I can respect it for that.
A famous German actress, Veronika Voss (Rozel Zech) in her forties tries to revive her career while struggling with alcohol and drugs in the final chapter to Fassbinder's trilogy about collapse of the West German postwar dream. The film was inspired by the tragic life of famous UFA actress, Sybille Schmitz (1909-1955). She began her career in the films by the giants such Georg Wilhelm Pabst and Carl Theodor Dreyer and soon became one of Germany's beloved actress. Everything changed during the WWII and especially after its end.Fassbinder's film which was shot in black and white visually is very impressive. "Light and shadows are two cinema's best secrets" says Veronika in the movie and light and shadows make the film a joy to behold. I like it but I think it is the weakest part of the trilogy perhaps because "Lola" and "Maria Braun" are so strong. I found the documentary about Sybille Schmitz, "Dances with Death" which is included on Criterion DVD much more compelling.Veronika - 7/10 Dances with Death 8.5/10
Beautifully photographed in simple black and white, with some lovely gliding shots and some interesting camera angles and framing, the film is an amazement on a visual scope, even if the screenplay and acting are nothing special. Fassbinder's choice of lighting is excellent, giving true stark contrast between areas of black and areas of white in certain scenes. Sound is a significant aspect too, with soft radio recording heard in the background of just about every scene. The meaning behind such an audio style is not clear, but still it provides an interesting feel if not much else. As already alluded to however, the technical aspects outweigh the rest of the film. It is a rather cold tale with awkward characters, which are hard to sympathise with. Towards the end it also goes off on a bit of a tangent, from being a drama to a thriller. The film definitely seems more dedicated to its style than its substance, but that only makes is a certainly degree less fascinating to watch. The style quite literally sparkles and the film applies a few interesting editing tricks to change from scene to scene. If not involving as a tale, it is nevertheless great "eye candy".