I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
Bring a big fan of Harry Potter Series, this movie was very bad in context of story, acting, music etc
Everyone here needs to get over themselves, Lets see you do a better job... well... go on... thats what i thought, hide behind your keyboards cowards instead of putting you money where your mouth is. End rantthat all said, and from the blindness and dim wittedness of the majority of tasteless critics on this site aside, I must point out that it would have been nice to have some foreground into our main character and how she managed to trace the diary to soviet Russia. Other than that I was intelligent enough to piece together the plot, and to follow it. It doesn't take a monkey to follow and frankly if you cant keep up, find another movie to watch. The effects were fantastic for a film budget of 15k and though the acting lacked some of the finesse of the original harry potter films no one wants to replace the original cast and no one is trying to. as far as i am concerned these actors are doing the best they can considering they havent been acting in this movie for 7 films,i would point out as well that should there be further voldemort movies, many of these, very minor technical and script/plot errors would probably disappear over time and as the actors grew into their characters they would do a marvelous job representing their respective characters. bravo to both cast and crew and hopefully WB will allow licencing for sequels. my dime.
I'm a Potterhead myself, one of those who wrote in newsgroups (when newsgrups did still exist) trying to figure out with other fans what the next book could be (in the era of BOOKS, not movies yet).
Said that, I've also seen the movies. All of them. A comparison with this one would be highly unfair, as the "official" movies are professional products.
This one should be, in my humble opinion, seen like a fan story.
But despite its short lenght (less than an hour) and the poorness of the sets (all the movie is filmed inside), I saw this Voldemort: Origins of the Heir with pleasure. I gave 8 to this movie.
Yes, actors are dubbed but revoicers are English speakers (their names can be read in credits) and no one would have liked someone talking English with Italian accent. So this is a plus, not a con.
Yes, there are characters not canonic, but this is for the sake of the plot.
Costumes are great. Lights are good. Directing might not be so great, but good enough.
To sum it up, my opinion is highly positive.
This movie was terrible by all means. But !!!! very good job ! J.K driven us into world we cant forget, we dont want to forget, we constantly eager to see more and more of anything connects to harry potter world ( like fantastic beasts etc.), for me reading harry potter series ( 10 times by now and still counting) brought me a new world and a new love i cant stop thinking of .
and you guys ! you made me excite, you gave me some new hope that we gonna see more movies or even books connects to harry potter.Thank you so much !