Strictly average movie
It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
I saw this movie before reading any reviews, and I thought it was very funny. I was very surprised to see the overwhelmingly negative reviews this film received from critics.
This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Let me start this off by saying when i rented this movie i knew it was going to be terrible. You see me and my friends have a hobby of renting the most ridiculous horror movie we can find, because they are usually funnier than conventional comedies. But believe me, when we rented this we got way more than we bargained is bad in all the standard ways; acting the quality of a 3rd grade play, dialog seemingly written by either a porn director or a monkey with bottle of vodka and a typewriter, blood substitutes ranging from strawberry kool-aid to motor oil (yep, i said motor oil),camera work similar to my drunk uncles home movies. I could go on but it would be monotonous. If you've seen any of these movies then you know all the normal things that turn an awful movie into a mind-numbingly awful movie.But what makes this movie stand out is the fact that the filmmakers truly innovated in the category of terrible. They did this by almost completely disregarding any kind of continuity and assuming that the majority of the people watching the movie would have been just punched the the eye and would have an eye patch over the other.Early in the movie it becomes clear that none of the actresses playing the main roles were willing to expose themselves. As a solution to this problem the "filmmakers" found one woman who was willing to get naked and just used shots of her when any of the other characters were supposed to be nude. This leaves even the most un-observant viewers with questions like,"What happened to her nail polish?" or "Wasn't she just a lot tanner?" or "Didn't she just have nipple rings?" My personal favorite moment is the unintentional reference to Monty Python. This happens when the killer is shown running down the same hallway upwards of 15 times.To sum this up, I will just say that as a person who has an appreciation for cinema, I was appalled. If you have two working eyes or a fully functional brain STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE.
This is a evil, ugly film. Not only do the makers think we're stupid having one body double for seven girls. (like we couldn't tell). But the moral is sexual morals or die. This is a piece of dung and should be burned!!!
Imagine a horror film stripped of any filmmaking quality, going back to the basics: sex and death, or, more accurately, eye candy (although, strangely enough, the movie too often shies away from showing any "real" nudity) and blood. That should give you a good idea of what "" is like. You can complain all you want about the awful dialogue ("Hey, dude, we have to be cool, you know? Are you cool?"), the non-existent acting, the huge plot holes (the character who turns out to be the killer can't possibly be the killer, because at an earlier moment we had seen him/her being somewhere else TWO SECONDS before a murder occured); there's no point. The picture is obviously beneath any possible criticism as a "normal" film, but if you take it as something like a film school graduation project, it becomes somewhat palatable and amusing. Check out the Anthony Perkins-lookalike who plays the "creepy" gardener; a ludicrous red herring if I ever saw one. (*1/2)
at least they tried...surprisingly funny & honest actors in an otherwise retarded production. Is this the future of DV? Let's hope not, but hey, at least they gave it a shot. Hey, how many of your friends' cheap flicks made it international and into the big chain vid stores? A for effort, C- for fare. (But wait a minute, how come the chains are picking this thing up???!)