Disturbing yet enthralling
Better Late Then Never
This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
.Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Jeff Turner
Every now and then a movie comes out that has elements which fly completely over the head of many otherwise savy film buffs. From the polarized reviews here, "Wanted" is clearly such a work. The differences of opinion in reviews remind me very much of those on IMDB for "The Signal" with Lawrence Fishburn. So eager to say why they think this or that is wrong or bad, they pick apart a movie in it's literal sense and choose to completely miss what the movie's trying to convey. A jaded perspective that demands a movie be strictly confined to our reality will serve nothing for a viewing of a fantasy film, thereby losing the perspective that puts everything in a context the director and writers don't feed or preach to you but offer up the clues that allow you to open your minds eye as well. Either way, you won't feel like you wasted your regularly scheduled movie couch time at the end of Wanted unless you whine about "that cant really happen" ... no chit, it's a fantasy film - but maybe like me, you may give it several watches and enjoy the fourthwall piercing narratives which are the lens to the higher plane the movie conveys. I also enjoyed the humor - disdain as comedy is squeezed in rather well, complimenting rather than distracting from the roller coaster ride. And like a good thrill ride, the movie is meant to be fun - don't look for finger nail biting tension or characters to cry for because they aren't here nor are they meant to be. Look for characters whose roles are more metaphoric to the internal conflicts sparring for position in the heart and mind of a typical everyday person. You can think about doing what you wish you could and be defeated by your own doubts and addictions to your status quo, or you can choose to listen to the one idea for a life less ordinary as you define such - and not just answer the question "why am I here?" But actually get up and fulfill it. Or you can choose to watch it as a technical critic with jaded tunnel vision (imagine being in line for a ride with that guy, telling you why everything about the ride should be different or isn't just right... No thx mr. buzzkillington, I choose not to miss whole point.
Curving bullets (obviously never shot a real gun with real bullets), heard of physics, being put in a tank that heals you faster (But they don't tell others so they can heal), women with arms the size of skewers (And they beat people. Those blows would do no damage to a person with their adrenaline pumped, think sports and her punch stopping a hockey player or football player going straight through you), loom orders, diversity for diversity sake and numerous other things that these 21 century, and late 20th century, movies have become.
This movie and the people in it are awful and are terrible actors, but as per usual, they force the people on you and because you haven't seen the true great, well trained actors, you accept them as good and they are not, accept for maybe Terrence Stamp
You always hear about reality in these movies, but they have become so unrealistic it insults your intelligence.
And if these people, which they are not, thank God, are protecting us, I will take care of myself.
Lastly, assassins rarely use guns and never, never put civilians in harm's way, well, very, very rarely. They look like the population of their target and may be fat, bald, old, young, all kinds of shapes and sizes.
I will take the old days with John Wayne and his boys and they were real and family men and life and the traditions of America came first. Don't want to believe it, John Wayne captured the KGB AGENTS that were sent to assassinate him and and turned them to Americans from communists. LOOK AT THIS>>>>>>> Military.com How John Wayne Got Rid of the KGB AGENTS Hired to Kill Him.
Read this about real men and forget about Morgan Freeman with two earrings and the rest. If we had these guys back when there would be no America, that's why these men and the men before them were in charge, UNDERSTAND. So when reviewing here don't knock a President and Capitalise God
The real men out there now are not, I repeat, not on the movie screen yelling and screaming.
Tell me about the article!!!
Thanks for reading.
God Bless.
I've certainly gotten enough of those, it's nice to get to hand one out.This could have been better and with very little change. Merely making a slow 180 degree rotation of the camera in one key scene and I would have seen everything I have come to expect and love about Jolie movies.This show has a very good cast, fantastical action, some OK FX, excellent eye candy, ALMOST excellent naked eye candy AND they throw the funny at you from around every obstacle.Not the best of its kind but worth seeing. I can watch this every 3 - 5 years.
Let me start by saying that this film is a blast. I originally wanted to see this in theaters but the money was tight so I had to wait for DVD. I first saw this on my buddy's copy on DVD. He and I and another friend of mine really liked it.I found it original and fresh, you didn't essentially know where it was going and that was good, and it always surprised you in unique and interesting ways.The action scenes were awesome and fun to watch and it had a well made, well paced story that was easy to follow.James McAvoy is a very good actor and a great lead in this film. He is good in the latter X-Men films and a joy to watch.Morgan Freeman was awesome as Sloan, leader of the organization of assassins.Angelina Jolie was awesome as Fox, she was sexy, a little edgy and fun to watch.Overall, a really cool action film that I enjoyed. I give it a 6/10. I highly recommend it.