War Room

2015 "Prayer is a Powerful Weapon"
6.5| 2h0m| PG| en

The family-friendly movie explores the transformational role prayer plays in the lives of the Jordan family. Tony and Elizabeth Jordan, a middle-class couple who seemingly have it all – great jobs, a beautiful daughter, their dream home. But appearances can be deceiving. In reality, the Jordan’s marriage has become a war zone and their daughter is collateral damage. With the help of Miss Clara, an older, wiser woman, Elizabeth discovers she can start fighting for her family instead of against them. Through a newly energized faith, Elizabeth and Tony’s real enemy doesn’t have a prayer.


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ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
cinephile-27690 This is the Kendrick Brothers movie I rank last. Now, as you can see from my star rating, that has no effect on the movie itself. But there are 5 Kendrick movies, and one must take the #5 spot. The movie has a great message on using prayer in tough times. The humor, as always, works well. But why is this #5? I think the others have better stories, jokes, messages, etc. And, as I once heard as a critique, the jump rope plot is not really all that needed. Despite what I could pick at, that does not hinder how important it is in today's society! I can't wait for their 6th film to come out!
Rahspot For those of you who don't know (because the title of this "film" is pretty misleading) this movie doesn't have anything to do with war, militar codebreaking or something like that. This is a faith-based movie, just for those who pray every day. I'm not kidding, this movie would be awful even for standard believers. I was ten minutes in and I knew I wasn't going to like it. Not only all the characters believe in God and they feel the need of saying they christians all the time, but the message the movie delivers is awful. Do you have problems of any kind? Well, you don't have to do anything. Just sit in an small room and pray, because you don't have the will or power to do anything, is not your responsibility. God will fix it for you if you pray every day. It might sound hilarious but that's the message.Now, even if the message was terrible, the movie could've had something good from a technical point of view. Don't expect that. Not only this seems like a very low-budget movie, but the acting is freaking terrible. The script is one of the worst I've seen in years. The conversations are not only cheesy, there are conversations that would never happen in real life. The old lady who starts to talk about God and asks our protagonists how many times does she pray per day, do you think that would happen in real life? Hell, no. I couldn't stop laughing when the protagonist just tells the old lady everything that's going on with his life. I guess the old lady was some kind of therapist, right?The direction is awful, there's no only one single good shot. You have some jokes here and there but none of them actually hits because you'd probably be sleeping already. It doesn't have any inspiring moment, not even one. Loud-epic music in some moments when people were just talking was totally out of place and show me what this movie was: a mess. But not only a mess: a mess with twisted morals trying to convince you of getting down on your knees and do nothing when things get difficult. If you're feeling what you want to do in life is get inside a room to avoid your responsibilities and your problems, just waiting for them to fix themselves, then this is a must-watch for you. Also, if you keep repeating yourself "I'm Christian and I'm right, all the rest, wrong" then this is the movie for you, but its message it's so terrible that I wouldn't even recommend it to christians. For the rest of the people in the planet, avoid at all costs. It isn't even funny because it tries to hit you in the head with its message so hard that you can't take it anymore. Did I mentioned there's a scene in which the old lady is about to be robbed by a mugger and she stops him by saying "put that knife down in the name of Jesus"? Well, that might be the best scene of the movie. You can watch just that scene if you want to laugh for a while.Seriously, don't watch it. It wouldn't even work if you pretend you're watching a fantasy film located in a fantasy universe. Atrocius in every sense, it only qualifies as a movie because it was recorded with a camera.
MisterWhiplash Hmm... so is this worse/more-offensive than God's Not Dead? Well, it depends how one looks at it: God's Not Dead has multiple story lines so there's more places to look at as far as offensive and THIS IS NOT HOW *THINGS IN THIS UNIVERSE WORK*, but War Room has level of concentrated bat-***t insanity going on. I don't even mean the whole 'well if your husband treats you like poo then what you have to do is go in a closet and pray that Satan gets out of him because that's what the problem is and that's IT'. I mean things like how working at a Pharmaceutical company would function if, say, someone *steals* from the company (and while the movie doesn't really acknowledge characters race, which may or may not be seen as a 'ok, well, fine, whatever' aspect of the story for the most part, a black man stealing tens of thousands from his company, whether he was "honest" enough to fess up to it is besides the point, he's going to jail, end of story), or about what happens when a mugger with a knife comes across an old woman (hint, usually what happens in this movie in *real life* doesn't happen, like, ever), or how adult parents join in on... children's jump-rope competitions(?) The point is, War Room is another in a blatant series of films over the past few years that is out to further brainwash the already converted (and God help you if you find this to be powerful stuff in a positive way), and make those who aren't perplexed out of their minds. This is a movie creating its own reality to fit its own agenda - propaganda's textbook definition I know, but it gets worse than that here by the message that women don't have agency over their own lives, or, ideally, shouldn't. Why concern yourself with marriage counseling or trial separations or, gasp, divorce in this second decade of the 21st century when you can simply pray the abuse away (okay, he doesn't physically hit her or anything but mentally speaking he's abusive)? It's ironic that a movie that features black characters fairly prominently and (with the exception of the stunningly throw-back stereotype of the Magical Mystical Negro trope with Miss Clara, yes, even in a movie with a mostly black cast I think it counts) doesn't call attention to the race of its characters should set back the *feminist* movements of this country several decades.This is simply a monumentally terrible script by the Kendrick brothers - think the inverse of everything the Coen brothers are good at - both philosophically and in its execution of both character development (there are no clear arcs or dimensions, the husband is a jerk from minute one until the script says it's time for him to look around a couple of his families rooms and realize the error of his ways and get the devil out or some such nonsense) and "plot" whatever that might be. It is two hours long (with credits), which is one of the more insane things about this. The movie's story practically ends at the 80 minute mark but then it suddenly has to become a sports movie, kind of, sort of, and loose ends that are not even that loose need to be tied up. So even if by some miracle, no pun intended, I managed to agree with what the movie was selling me on its moral points about how to submit to your man and that prayer, not actual, *existential* acts that make changes in your and other peoples lives, will solve all the problems of the world (and don't get me wrong, if you want to pray for yourself, fine, have at it, but at the risk of doing nothing else it's a foolish message deep down), I would still find the movie to be atrocious on the grounds of it not being entertaining in the ways that it intends (though I was entertained at times in the ways it decidedly did *not* intend), and how sloppy and idiotic it thinks human beings are.So like God's Not Dead it is a dangerous movie at least for those susceptible enough for its message - I hate to find the news story one day where some poor woman is found dead because she didn't do anything to really force change in an abusive relationship - and for others it's all the same a ludicrous piece of would-be filmmaking made for the budget that a typical Lifetime movie would have (and has acting either on or *below* those standards) that someone wasn't so much released but escaped on to screens through a major distributor like Sony and got to #1 at the box office during one of the worst weekends of the year (Labor Day). Oh, and there are stinky feet jokes thrown in for good measure! Because this is a FAMILY MOVIE after all! And by that I mean keep your families away from this if you care about their mental well-being!
Lance Marcetty This movie illustrates how a commitment to prayer and time spent in God's Word actually accomplishes what Paul describes in Romans 12:2: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Those who gave this movie a bad rating are simply out of touch with God, or have never bothered to know Him, and have some silly religious phobia about anything that looks like a Bible or a church...get a life, grow up and debate with reason and intelligence please, and stop being scared of 'religious' issues.Lance Marchetti South Africa