To me, this movie is perfection.
How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.
It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
There are films that are so bad that they're good, c.f., ""Plan Nine From Outer Space"or "Terror of Tiny Town"; this one doesn't rise to that level - it's just awful. The one dimensional sets are matched by the one dimensional acting. The concept of a female bomber crew or fighter pilot is alright in the 21st century but far our of place in WW2. The producers might have researched some of the WW2 details for their depictions of pilot communications. Throat mics were in wide use but they did not contain a switch on the mic itself to transmit. On switches were either floor mounted buttons or a thumb button on the yoke. While official radio procedure requires an "over" at the end of transmission, this protocol simply wasn't followed in combat. The hand to the throat followed by "how are you, over" and "I'm fine, over" got old real quick.Rated 1 only because 0 isn't an option.
What can anyone say about this film? No words exist for how much i hate this film. My dog could write a better film in five minutes. Some people may enjoy this and that is your own taste. But i doubt anyone would like this film. Its like the whole film just tried too hard. The actors over acted by miles. They really thought they was staring in the next massive upcoming film. And for them i feel sorry. As for the storyline... I would believe button moon is more real then that. I just have nothing nice to say about it. The only thing i am going to do now is write to the writer and ask for 2 hours of my life back or some form of payback...
Like "Mighty Peking Man", this movie makes no sense, but fails miserably to be boring. Look beyond the baaaaaaaad acting, the immense lapses in logic, and there are some truly comic tidbits to be cherished. The monsters seem to change size at will, the makeup never smears in the tropic heat, and the 40s hairdos a tad stylish for the military, the amazing plane restoration with no parts or tools, no one seems to eat anything, the South Pacific island looks suspiciously like your local park............ I could go on and on, but wait there is one more thing, the lead actor looks like he could take 6th place in a Bill Paxton look-alike contest. Maybe I better end it here before I keel over laughing. - MERK
...some excitement would be nice. I gotta admit, this movie was a disappointment. True, this flick is typical SciFi Channel Original schlock. But given that I have a soft spot for attractive women and dinosaurs, I thought this would be a winner if for no other reason than the cheese factor. But it was just dull. An American WWII mission ends up with an emergency landing on a desolate island where some Japanese soldiers got ambushed by some killer pterodactyls. Then the Americans get a taste of Pterodactyl Pterror, all the while trying to get their planes off the island and making sure the Japs don't take advantage of the situation. The problem is, there's not enough pterodactyl action; the movie really is more fixated on the WWII angle. The pterodactyls make their presence known but at times they're a secondary plot device to the "secret mission." Hot babe Max West (Jamie Ellen Mann) and her superior Jack (Brian Krause) spend too much time arguing over whether the mission is worth it. The other girls -- Betsy, Vicky and Lana -- serve nicely as eye candy. However, the scene where green galpal Hoodsie volunteers to attempt a solo mission off the island because she supposedly weighs less than Max is a joke, because Hoodsie looks like she needs to go see Jenny Craig while Max definitely takes care of herself. When they are fighting the pterodactyls, this movie is entertaining. But there's just not enough of it. I won't give this a 1 like most people have, because this is definitely better than most crap SciFi channel puts out (i.e., "Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep," "Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy"), but "Warbirds" is only worthy of a disappointing 4.