Water Wars

3.4| 1h18m| en

Catastrophic war, destroyed ecosystem, brink of extinction. War for the most valuable treasure of the time: water.


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Also starring Kevin Stapleton


WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
SeeQuant Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
Melanie Bouvet The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
drgreenthumb1001 You know its going to be a bad film when right off the bat, you are presented with some stock footage from some failed, wannabe Mad Max film.Which continues through-out the movie all the way till the unsatisfying climax.So what you have are grainy, looks like it was shot on film in the 80's scenes intermixed with new scenes shot with HD cameras. Its obvious they are two separate films being mashed together to make one.The acting is abysmal, our hero is some old, fat Billy Ray Cyrus look alike who is to our horror given a sex scene in what is one of the ugliest sex scenes ever filmed for a non-porno film. The, cant act to save her life Playmate, cant save the scene from being a disaster either.Neither can the random topless scenes strewn through-out this movie.Speaking of the best topless scene, it was from the stock footage, they probably should have left her character out, but it is obvious Jim Wynorski didn't want those scenes to "go to waste", but it only serves to further confuse the movie as this character plays a martyr in the movie, but her role is way to small, letting you know that she played a bigger role in the original script of the stock footage movie.I'd say that Quentin Tarantino owes Michael Madsen an apology, but Madsen has been going down the Eric Roberts path lately. Plus, there is no way Tarantino could have known the original director, Ciro Santiago, would get sick after a few days of filming, and have to be replaced with Jim Wynorski.That said this movie is deserving of the 1 star I just gave it. I rarely do such a thing, even terrible independent student films get at least a 2 for the effort, but this movie is directed by people who have had long careers making movies, its sheer awfulness is inexcusable.
Baleegh Shaw Water wars is a movie which has a lot of nude girls some being stripped and some being making love scenes and apart from that this movie has nothing but useless fighting and baseless running around here and there and is a complete waste of time and money. I failed to understand who watch these movies and I must salute the producer and the director to make such pathetic movies which can be better made by a teenager of this time. Useless direction, silly scenery, baseless actors and pathetic fight scenes are all encompasses here and lots of topless girls is one attraction which will force some viewers apart from that this crazy movie has nothing to be watched. I will not recommend this movie to others as it's a sheer waste of time and money. I gave this movie 1 out of 10 as this movie deserves this much at all!!!