WCW Halloween Havoc 1998

1998 "The Night When Good Battles Evil."
5.9| 3h16m| NR| en

Hollywood Hulk Hogan battles The Ultimate Warrior. Goldberg defends the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against "Diamond" Dallas Page. Bret Hart defends the United States Championship against Sting. The Outsiders go to war when Scott Hall faces Kevin Nash. Brothers face off when Rick Steiner battles Scott Steiner and much more!


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World Championship Wrestling (WCW)


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Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Mischa Redfern I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
amanwhorocks 1. T.V. Title Match: Raven Vs. T.V. Champ-Chris Jericho - The only bout of these two, my all-time favorites. And I hate how Raven ALWAYS had to job. Crowd was behind him! And all were heels. 10/10 2. Disco Inferno Vs. Juventud Guerrera - Bad finishing Piledriver on Juvi? Hurt? 9/10 3. WCW Cruiserweight Title Match: Disco Inferno Vs. Champ-Kidman - Another really cool thing. Champ retained. 9.5/10 4. WCW World Tag Team Title Match: CHamps-Scott Steiner/Giant Vs. Rick Steiner/Buff Bagwell - Buff vanished and Rick won by all alone. 6.5/10 5. Rick Steiner Vs. Scott Steiner - Finally that bruda revenge. Totally destruction of Scott. 7/10 6. Scot Hall Vs. Kevin Nash - That was boring as HELL. Basic brawling, Nash is a terrible worker. 4/10 7. WCW U.S. Heavyweight Title Match: Champ-Bret Hart Vs. Sting - I always like Bret and Sting and want to wrestle them each other, but that match was weird especially ending, when sting got hurt. 7/10 8. Hulk Hogan Vs. Warrior - I never gave 1/10, but that deserves it. I'ts probably the worst match I've ever seen. Top 5 for sure. You, who read that, know why. 1/10 9. WCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Diamond Dallas Page Vs. Champ-Goldberg - Great, great thing, Diamond Cutter reversed from Jackhammer, was really impressing 10/10
jts0405 Match 1: Chris Jericho (c) vs Raven for the Television Championship - Raven comes out and announces to the crowd that he's not wrestling tonight. Jericho comes out and ultimately goads Raven into the match taking place. This was a pretty good opener with a lot of nice back and forth exchanges between the two. Some outside interference from Kanyon is Raven's downfall and he immediately submits as Jericho puts him in the Liontamer.Match 2: Disco Inferno vs. Juventud Guerrera for the no. 1 contender spot to the Cruiserweight Championship - I really miss WCW's cruiserweight division. Such a great array of talent thrown together and a lot of really memorable matches on episodes of Nitro, Thunder and various pay-per-views. Disco Inferno is mainly remembered for this goofy gimmick, but it should not be forgotten how good of a wrestler he actually was. This match keeps the crowd entertained and delivers some nice cruiserweight style action. Inferno picks up the win with a piledriver and gets the title shot.Match 3: Billy Kidman (c) vs. Disco Inferno for the Cruiserweight Championship - After the Nitro girls danced a few times, a couple dark matches, and Scott Steiner rambling to the Vegas crowd, Disco is back out for his title shot. Another really good match with Disco taking it to the champion Kidman through the majority of the match. Kidman hits the Shooting Star Press in the end and retains the title.Match 4: The Giant & Scott Steiner (c) vs. Rick Steiner & Buff Bagwell for the WCW World Tag Team Championship - While this was an overbooked mess, it was still pretty funny to watch. Rick Steiner takes somewhere near 15 low blows and still manages to win the match on his own when Buff Bagwell walks out on him. Rick is able to recover and pin The Giant (Big Show now) to win the tag titles.Match 5: Rick Steiner vs. Scott Steiner - As per the stipulation of the previous match, Rick now gets a one-on-one match with his brother Scott. Buff Bagwell returns in a suit with a Bill Clinton mask on and takes out the referee with Stevie Ray's slapjack. More overbooking, but still pretty hilarious watching all of this ridiculous stuff go on. Rick eventually gets the win on his brother Scott.Match 6: Kevin Nash vs. Scott Hall - I have to give credit to WCW for this one, while it was wrong of them to exploit Scott Hall's alcoholism on television at this time, this was still a very deep and personal storyline that they created here between the former Outsiders. The first half of the match is Hall beating down Nash for what feels like forever and then momentum finally swings Nash's way and he beats down Hall for the latter half of the match. Nash hits his Jacknife powerbomb on Hall and then walks out. Scott Hall takes the count out win.Match 7: Bret Hart (c) vs. Sting for the United States Heavyweight Championship - Pretty decent match from these two. Nothing really memorable, but it was still a good enough match to keep the crowd invested. Hart beats down Sting with a baseball bat and then puts an unconscious Sting in the sharpshooter to get the win. Sting is put on a stretcher and taken out.Match 8: Hollywood Hogan vs. The Warrior - A really bad match. The timing was just off in this one. Add some botched spots on top of that and this really killed the crowd. Horace Hogan, who we think is out to get revenge on his uncle Hollywood, turns and nails Warrior with a chair. Hogan pins Warrior to end this debacle.Match 9: Goldberg (c) vs. Diamond Dallas Page (DDP) for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship - This match had the crowd from the opening bell all the way until the end. The suspense that WCW wanted to have from the crowd on this match was there. At times it looked believable for DDP to break the streak and become champion. Really solid match, despite their problem with the pay-per-view going over time back when this aired in 1998. Goldberg gets the win and retains the title after a jackhammer. They both embrace and show mutual respect after the match.
Tex_Willer1987 This PPV took place in the time when WCW still held its head above the water. But nonetheless it was a big disappointment to me.1st match - Chris Jericho vs Raven (TV championship) - this was a pretty good opener where both wrestlers did very well. In the end Chris Jericho wins with the Liontamer to retain(or as it was called in the WWE - walls of Jericho) 8/102nd match - Disco Inferno vs Juventud Guerrera - this match was for the #1 contendership of the cruiserweight title - a fast paced match where Disco Inferno pulls a victory 6/103rd match - Kidman vs Disco Inferno (cruiserweight championship) - just like the match before - a pretty good match. Kidman wins with a superb Shooting Star Press from the top rope to retain. 7/104th match - Scott Steiner & Giant vs Rick Steiner & Buff Bagwell (tag team championship) - this is where the PPV went to hell - the match was preceded with a segment where Buff asked Rick Steiner to be his partner but everybody knew he was going to betray him - and exactly that happened - but nonetheless Rick Steiner managed to defeat Giant (A.K.A. Big Show) and Scott Steiner by giving Giant the Frankensteiner 3/10next night on WCW Nitro Rick chose Kenny Kaos to be his tag team partner.5th match - Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner - this match was really short and really bad - Rick pulls another victory by delivering Frankensteiner to Scott 2/106th match - Kevin Nash vs Scott Hall - in this storyline Nash wanted to bring back his old friend Scott Hall who at the time had problems with alcohol and this issue was brought into the storyline. Ending was really bad - Nash gave Hall two Jackhammer Powerbombs and then left and was counted out. 4/107th match - Bret Hart vs Sting (U.S. championship) - I hoped to see a good match between these two outstanding wrestlers - but somehow it didn't live up to the hype. Bret Hart spent more time on the outside brawling with the audience than fighting in the ring (I guess it's because he was playing heel at the time). At the end referee gets knocked out and the same thing happens to Sting after he gets hit with his own bat. Winner and still U.S. champion - Bret Hart 5/108th match - Hollywood Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior - as the commentators said - this match was 8 years in the making because last time they met was at Wrestlemania 6 where Warrior won his only World championship. If I said before that Bret Hart vs Sting didn't live up to the hype I don't know what to say about this match. It was one of the worst matches ever. All I saw was a couple of powerslams and that was it. There was also a spot where hogan set something (?) on fire and was supposed to ''blind'' Warrior with it. But he screwed this up and burned his own eyebrows. (I read somewhere that Warrior was actually supposed to win by miraculous 'blind' comeback but due to this botched spot it didn't happen. In the end Eric Bishoff comes out and distracts the referee so that Hogan's nephew Horace can come in the ring and hit Warrior with the chair. Hollywood Hogan covers for the win. thank god it was over. 1/109th match - Goldberg vs Diamond Dallas Page (WCW World championship) - at least there was a good match to end this PPV. DDP hits his trademark diamond cutter on Goldberg but only gets a 2 count. Goldberg then hits a spear and a jackhammer for the win to keep his undefeated streak in WCW which came to an end 2 PPVs later. I give this match 8.5/10.