We All Scream for Ice Cream

5.3| 0h57m| en

Years ago, they pulled a disastrous childhood prank on the neighborhood ice cream delivery man that got him killed, but now as they've become adults with families of their own, the last thing anyone expected was for that man to come back in the form of a vengeful, bloodthirsty spirit.


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Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Stephanie There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Killa42 Bet the writer and director had this conversation: "Dang we need to do another one!" "Hey, lets just rip off an old Stephen King movie, no one will ever know!""Yeah, no one under 25 has seen em... how about IT?" "Great idea!" Then it's settled, "We'll copy IT, easy enough." "Yay!" Says The Director, "The less work I have to do, the better."They high-five and laugh at all the morons below them. Then the two rape other films that someone else wrote for them. Everyone involved gets a pay check and the day is done. Enjoy the crap or don't watch it.
Akufunkture This movie was not scary. Instead of doing something truly creative with the idea of a killer clown they dropped the ball. The end of the movie was unbelievably lame. I was vaguely entertained by the gore but overall this movie's idea was the fault. The execution was very good and that's what stops it from being a one. The actors were very good in my opinion but the scenarios were completely unrealistic. I know that clowns coming back to life aren't real but i couldn't suspend disbelief. I really wanted to like this one but couldn't. I even bought this movie for 5 dollars and thought it was a waste of money. I'll never get that money back. Never. I think that's what the really scary thing is.
Tim Hayes What is it about clowns? For something that is supposed to bring joy to children, there are more scary movies about them almost any other subgenre. Director Tom Holland returns to the genre after a 11 year hiatus with his first for the Masters Of Horror series, We All Scream For Ice Cream. First off, this is far from the greatest entry in the series. It does have its problems. Number one being a somewhat clichéd storyline. What it does have going for it is that in his retirement, Tom Holland hasn't lost the touch. We All Scream For Ice Cream is a fun and nasty little tale of revenge from beyond the grave. There are some really cheesy moments such as the victims of the clown melting into pools of ice cream when the kick off, but its all in good fun. William Forsythe is once again superb as the clown in both his mentally retarded during life and his demonic force after death roles. Overall, I really enjoyed this one. It wasn't the best of the season, but it was far from the worst.
Jeffrey R. Broido My wife and I did enjoy this episode, for the acting and direction were excellent, as is usually the case with this series, but we are both consumed by the inconsistency and incompleteness of the story. I will list our objections in no particular order.1) Buster seemed more emotionally disabled as presented than retarded. After all, he could drive, make change, put on his makeup, juggle, etc.2) Why did Buster have no nose and why wasn't this mentioned more than once?3) If Buster died when run over by his own truck, why did he have a corporeal body and why was he able to be killed again when Layne made his own effigy out of presumably inferior ice cream and bit off its head?4) If the other members of the "club" were killed by transformation into the best ice cream in the world, why couldn't their ghosts come back to battle Buster's ghost?These are questions which scream for answers. Does anyone have any ideas? Is this just a matter of proper exposition being left on the cutting room floor? Regards, Jeff & Barb

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