Welcome To The Cheap Seats: "The Motion Picture" Video

1992 "Dynamic drama of youth, living for kicks."
5.5| 1h16m| en

Hungry film cameras first began following The Wonder Stuff in June 1990 and finally left them alone on a cold November night in 1991. They followed the wandering minstrels across two continents in a savage ten thousand mile, seventeen month journey to the heart of the groove machine. Fourty thousand feet of celluloid later, the result is 'Welcome To The Cheap Seats'. A rock 'n' roll experience nestling somewhere between 'Slade In Flame' and 'Coronation Street'. The Stuffies swap insights for insults as they discover Tartan, Polka Dot and Stadium Rock in a tale that captures the band on stage and off-guard. The ten-legged's adventures canter to a soundtrack bustling with old favourites, brand new tunes, and a few classic humdingers they wish they'd penned. The film offers but a brief glimpse into the hurly burly, hussle bussle, day to day life of ordinary rock folk. Play Loud!


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TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never

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