A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.
Stephan Hammond
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Events are really boring and hasn't been thought through. Not recommended!
Jules Fernandez
However, it was not JCVD's fault. He was OK. But as others have mentioned, the writing - both the lines and the plot could have been way better...At times it feels like it was written by someone who wanted to make a funny movie but has no comedic sense, so they tried to force the funny.I think the best humor comes from actual actors ( but not these), especially when they play with the material/do different takes. Instead, here they just say dumb things. I disliked the wimpy lead/too nice cliché..,he ends up playing it very unlikeable. Jason Biggs in American Pie was wimpy and awkward, but funny and you want to root for him! But again, that's writing.About the casting...I think most (85%) of the cast was bad. I like JCVD, Dennis from All State...the funny- allison hanigan like girl, and the Asian guy...but everyone else- that is, another 6-9 character sucked. And JCVS's Son -I don't like him...I've seen him in a few of his dad's films now.Ir just seemed cliché, poorly written, and not believable. The leads friend has disgusting man boobs-like meatloaf in Fight Club. told ..and I felt like the director told him to act like Seth Rogen...I gave it a 3 out of 10. It looked good, locations wise, camera wise...all it needed was more interesting costars and better writing.JCVD says "i was tripping balls" it made me cringe because, I donor believe he'd ever say that...
If you're looking for some laughs and to see Jean Claude van Damme being hilariously ridiculous then this movie is good for a watch.Basic premise is Office Space meets Lord of the Flies with JCVD thrown into the mix.JCVD is a welcome addition to the cast, definitely poking a lot of fun at himself in this role. The main actor is almost a carbon copy of the lead from Office Space in terms of his persona and his back-story. The supporting cast are great, especially the "evil" co-worker.Nothing deep or serious here. All in all just a funny romp worth watching.
This movie was surprisingly original. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Sure it wasn't an amazing movie, and I don't know how re watchable it is. I wasn't expecting the movie to unfold as it had. I admit it's not a mind blowing experience but it was done well enough. It was funny but you have to be able to enjoy silly stupid and some times raunchy humor to enjoy it. I was entertained for the entire time. The beginning is a little slow but if you just have a little patience it's there to develop characters and it doesn't drag on that long. JCVD is not the focus but I didn't feel deprived of his presence either. I feel that the movie is pretty solid, even though JCVD isn't really the main character he plays a some what important role in the film. His role isn't necessarily pivotal but I feel it's balanced enough in this film. You know it's not that bad of a movie. Don't be expecting to see JCVD's finest karate performance though. It's not really about that. I didn't have high expectations and I didn't know what to expect and it was pretty good.If you want to watch something and just want to be entertained and aren't looking for something amazing but decent, this isn't a bad film to put on. I don't know if it's worth buying but it's worth a watch.