Werewolf Rising

2.5| 0h30m| en

Desperate for a break from big city life, Emma heads to her family's cabin deep in the Arkansas hills. As she settles in for some much-needed R&R, she learns that something unspeakable lurks in the surrounding darkness. As the full moon rises, a bloodthirsty werewolf emerges from the shadows, slaughtering everyone in its path and revealing a sinister underworld Emma never knew existed. Thrown into a fight for her life, and her very soul, Emma will need to escape these big bad woods before it's too late.


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Also starring Melissa Carnell

Also starring Matt Copko


Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
brooklyn-de-106-924826 If you are a good B movie fan, I do not have any complaints on this movie. The film is done in nice fashion - good camera focus, characters etc... Do not expect many things in this movie as this not a high budgeted Hollywood movie. The director has really done a great job for this movie and no complaints. The title of the movie puts your expectation very high but remember this is a 'B' movie fashion. I am surprised to see hot the movie makers managed in little budget. Last but not least - Don't forget to miss beautiful actress Irena Murphy full frontal nude scene (she has done for the first time).. I rate '7'for Irena's scene :)
flash1971 I felt compelled to write a review seeing as how no one has provided a good one for this terrible B-Movie. Yes, it's terrible! So why am I giving it a good review? Because this is one of those B movies you can actually watch, laugh at, and be entertained. I believe if you go into a movie like this with the mindset of it's going to be awful, you can actually enjoy it. I think there was something compelling about the main actress who pours her heart into this role and actually does a great job contrasting against her counterparts which were just terrible and couldn't act at all. the werewolf was as goofy looking at they come and it made for a fun watch. I will end with this, if you liked Bunnyman you will probably like this. Don't get me wrong, Bunnyman is one of my favorite terrible B movies and this movie doesn't come close to that but it's essentially the same concept. Bad movie = Entertainment.
hminiarj Where do I begin. First scene appears to have NOTHING to do with the rest of the story. The main character is a recovering alcoholic and brings it up every f- ing chance she gets. Dad's Friend is creepy.. not just because his acting skills aren't there, or because he just has creepy lines to read... turns out he just is a complete creep... obviously. There's a conversation about what to watch on TV because the main character doesn't have reception stuff set up yet... The wolf looks more like a bat than a wolf. The main character falls for an escaped convict after meeting him twice... or less... AFTER creepy dad's old friend has given her a F-ING GUN to protect herself.. FROM SAID ESCAPED CONVICT!... and her response?.. "wanna come stay at my place?" And then the werewolf shows up and mauls the escaped convict and she finds him, barely alive, seriously wounded,... and her reaction is to take him to her place, which has been repeatedly established to NOT have a phone nor a cell reception... instead of.. I don't know... getting in range and phoning an ambulance? It just... doesn't get better, at any point... The dialog is shitty enough, but it's delivered without any feeling, any reality involved... it's dry.. held back... The whole thing is awkward as all hell.
xdarkevil If you don't want to waste your time, please, watch something else, like "A Werewolf in London" or "The Howling" !Nothing happens in the movie until the first "real" attack (about 49 Mn) and that's the moment where you eventually laugh : the werewolf is a guy in disguise.Main characters sucks as acting (really, really bad) ! Story is weak. There is nothing to save, including the end of the movie.For me, who actually love werewolves movies, I was very disappointed by this title. Even some of "The Howling" series (not included the first one which is the best werewolf movie ever) are better.Cheap, with a story written in the corner of a tablecloth, a lack of SFX, this movie is good for the trash.