What Have You Done to Solange?

6.9| 1h47m| en

After several coeds are murdered at a college, a professor who is having an affair with one of his students becomes a suspect. When other gruesome murders start occurring shortly thereafter, the teacher suspects that he may be the cause of them.


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FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Charles Camp Very twisty giallo that routinely subverted my expectations. The main strengths of the film are its knotty but well-constructed plot, serene locales, and great camerawork. Lots of nice music by Ennio Morricone as well. The film has a stronger focus on the mystery and plot rather than the murders themselves, and is largely populated by dialogue-driven intrigue scenes. I may have liked it a bit more if there had been a greater emphasis on style and atmosphere rather than plot, but that's more a matter of taste than a criticism of the film itself.Strong 3.5/5
Claudio Carvalho In London, the Italian gym teacher Enrico 'Henry' Rosseni (Fabio Testi) is having a love affair with his eighteen year-old student Elizabeth Seccles (Christine Galbo), who is the daughter of the owner of the Catholic School where he works and she studies. His estranged wife Herta Rosseni (Karin Baal) is the mathematics teacher in the same school. On Sunday afternoon, Rosseni and Elizabeth are in a boat in a grove and the girl glances at a knife and a man hunting down a woman. Rosseni believes she is giving a pretext to avoid him and does not pay attention to her. On the next morning, Rosseni learns that a teenager was murdered in the river bank in the grove and he drives to the location. Inspector Barth (Joachim Fuchsberger) goes to the school since the victim Hilda studied there and soon Rosseni becomes the prime suspect since he protects Elizabeth, who could give an alibi to him. When a second student is murdered, Elizabeth recalls that the killer where a black soutane worn by priests. While the police investigate the suspects, Elizabeth is killed and Rosseni decides also to investigate. He teams up with Herta and the find the name of the mysterious Solange Beauregard. They seek her out but what might have happened to Solange?"Cosa avete fatto a Solange?", a;k;a "What Have They Done to Solange?" , is an intriguing giallo with a totally unpredictable story full of mystery and tension. The erotic plot is well-written with many twist and suspects. The conclusion surprises the viewer and it is worthwhile watching this film that is not dated. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "O quê Vocês Fizeram com Solange?" ("What Have You Done to Solange?)
Boba_Fett1138 This movie is a textbook example of a giallo. And when watching this movie you'll also understand what makes the genre so popular and distinctive.As far as giallo's go, this isn't the most violent or bloody one around. It tries to build its tension and mystery differently, without excluding any of the typical genre elements. And I must say that the killings that are in this movie (and that we get to see) are shot very well and possible form the movie its most memorable moments. Perhaps this is also thanks to director Massimo Dallamano his background as a cinematographer. The movie has some good solid characters in it, that are being likable ones as well. They help to make the story move along and help to carry it over the movie its slower points. Yes, this perhaps isn't the most exciting giallo to watch but it's a well constructed one nevertheless.I don't rate it among my favorites but it remains a good giallo nevertheless.7/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/
chrichtonsworld It could be that the time this movie came out that the subject was pretty shocking and disturbing. And I must admit that there are scenes that are still shocking today. The movie itself however didn't manage to thrill me all the way. Since not once did I feel dread from the killer. Although the movie offers enough suspects it is hardly surprising who the killer is especially since the movie itself rules out several of these suspects. The motivation for these killings is far more interesting anyway. The explanation that is given however to me wasn't satisfying or compelling enough. One of the reasons for this is that the title character Solange isn't long enough in the movie to express what she has been through. It would have been far more effective if scenes were shown how Solange was treated. Some of the plot points leading to the killer come out of nowhere and were far too convenient to convince me. Does this make a bad movie,not at all. But compare it to Deep Red and you will see what a true masterpiece should be like.