hyped garbage
Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Stephan Hammond
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Where to Invade Next (2015) *** (out of 4)Here's another entertaining film (not documentary) from Michael Moore that has him invading several countries to try and learn about their great policies so that he can bring them to the evil North America.WHERE TO INVADE NEXT is another Moore film where he pretty much bashes America and lets everyone know how awful it is. He tells us about the awful America while at the same time showing us how wonderful other places around the globe are. Did you know Iceland is striving because women control the banks? How about eight weeks of vacation? We learn about that too.Look, Moore is not a documentary filmmaker because he admits to making things up to support whatever cause he's going for. He even admits that he isn't going to comment on the bad things going on in the countries he invades because he wants to highlight the "good" stuff. At the same time, he doesn't bother to talk about the great thing about America and instead just looks at the bad so that makes the entire film a bit one-sided to say the least.I do find it funny that he talks about how great everything else is but bashes America and yet he doesn't want a wall built here. Since America is so bad and there are so many better places, it looks like he'd want people to not be able to come to America since there are better places for them to go.In all seriousness, Moore is a talented filmmaker and there's no question about that. WHERE TO INVADE NEXT gets his points across no matter how one-sided they are. As is the case with all of his films, it seems many have come out and said things are quite as they appear. Does that take away from the entertainment? Not at all. This is an entertaining movie and it's certainly worth watching as such.
This movie is pure propaganda. Moore has taken one little segment from each of these countries and expanded upon it. In France are we given to understand that all the Schools in that country serve gourmet meals ? Hogwash. In Italy are all the companies giving their employees eight weeks vacation ?? I'm sure Fiat doesn't. 21 years for murdering more than 50 people, mostly children. Absurd. Does he want the US to change to that form of injustice ?? Then he shows his dementia, when coming out of a meeting with the president of SLOVENIA he refers to it as SLOVAKIA.
Six Seven
This documentary (or mockumentary) was interesting in some parts, but is really nothing more than cherry picked questions and responses from Michael Moore. It was touted as a provocative comedy, but I found it to be seldom provocative or humorous. The movie did its best to point out flaws and possible solutions to problems in the United States by interviewing people from different nations. The interviewees were asked about how drug control was handled, how prisons were, etc., and then those nations' systems were placed in stark contrast to the penal and judicial systems of the United States. The movie had a few good points here and there, yet I feel it missed the mark as meaningful entertainment. It came off to me as a hagiography of the liberal purview. Yes, the US has many problems, but we also have demographics that have changed drastically over the years. I feel that the US is similar to Brazil, which has similar problems with violence and things of those nature.It's easy to look at history and view it as bad people with power oppressing those without power. It's more objective to just say that this is how it is versus this is how it used to be. I think that people like Michael Moore forget how bad things WERE and willfully ignore the good changes that have occurred. Anyway, this is one Moore doc that I'm definitely not a fan of.
"Where to invade next?" is a documentary by Michael Moore and it was made in 2015. Michael Moore is a political activist and film maker from USA and travel to different countries to learn about them and see what makes the country good. Some people discuss whether or not this is a documentary or if it is propaganda. I think it could be somewhere in the middle, partly a documentary and partly a propaganda movie. In my opinion it is good that he makes a documentary to let the viewers see the difference between the United States and Europe, but why does he only show the good things and not some bad things with the countries he is visiting. He should show the viewers both sides and not only one of them. In my view the countries that he was visiting aren't that good. I have not been to all of the countries but because he doesn't show us the things they don't do well but we can't be sure. For example, in France they make the school lunch look and taste good. I think that the children are more likely to eat it and then they will get better grades if the lunch looks, tastes and smells good. In Sweden there are lots of children that don't eat the food because it doesn't look and smell tasty. "You shouldn't judge a book by its cover", it is the same thing with food. It doesn't have to look and smell good to taste good. In the documentary he told us that the people in Italy have eight weeks paid vacation. He was at a company called Ducati and asked they if they had eight weeks of paid vacation and of course they had that. But does everyone in Italy get eight weeks paid vacation? I had to look it up and according to most-vacation-days/2400193/ they have approximately 30 days of paid vacation. That is four weeks, it is half of what he said in the documentary. He didn't say specifically that all in Italy have eight weeks but he didn't specify that not everyone have eight weeks. To conclude I think you should watch this documentary, but you have to be critical. It was very interesting and fascinating!