While You Were Sleeping

1995 "A story about love at second sight."
6.8| 1h43m| PG| en

A transit worker pulls commuter Peter off railway tracks after he's mugged, but—while he's in a coma—his family mistakenly thinks she's Peter's fiancée, and she doesn't correct them. Things get more complicated when she falls for his brother, who's not quite sure that she's who she claims to be.


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Alicia I love this movie so much
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
melpeloquin This is one of those movies that just make you feel good. It's not deep, but it's warm. It should be a holiday classic...new age era.
capone666 While You Were SleepingThe best time to pull the plug on a coma patient is right before their medical insurance runs out.Fortunately, the vegetable in this romantic-comedy has an excellent health benefits package.Feigning an affiliation with a comatose passenger, Peter (Peter Gallagher), who was attacked on the L train, transit employee Lucy (Sandra Bullock) maintains this pretext when his family (Peter Boyle, Monica Keena, Glynis Johns) arrives at the hospital.However, her scheme goes awry when she starts falling for Peter's younger brother Jack (Bill Pullman). Things get even more complicated when Peter wakes up and doesn't recognize her as his fiancée.While its plot is highly unorthodox - bordering on creepy – and its starry-eyed clichés are palpable, Bullock's girl-next-door demeanor does manage to transform this stalker-esque love story into a charming little rom-com about excessive lying.Incidentally, to payoff medical expenses, coma victims can always moonlight as mattress store mannequins.Yellow Lightvidiotreviews.blogspot.ca
Byrdz I like Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman and pretty much all of the members of the cast. It was especially nice to see Jack Warden and Glynis Johns again. The film's "family" interactions were amusing.The picture is supposed to be a romantic-comedy-fairytale type film and I suppose it is that BUT I found it hard to accept the gorgeous, vivacious Sandra Bullock as a lonely, family-less waif alone in the city with only a cat and an annoying stalker-son-of-the-landlord as company. Are there no at least moderately homely actresses in Hollywood to play homely characters ? That said, the story, if implausible is a way to pass part of an afternoon. If you like this sort of film go for it. It's OK.
Python Hyena While You Were Sleeping (1995): Dir: Jon Turteltaub / Cast: Sandra Bullock, Bill Pullman, Peter Gallagher, Jack Warden, Michael Rispoli: Wonderful treasure suggesting the happenings one doesn't realize. Sandra Bullock plays Lucy who works at a subway where she looks forward to the appearance of one guy. After he is pushed on railway tracks by muggers she rushes to his aid and saves him from certain death. Due to a misunderstanding his family believes her to be his fiancé. She wishes to tell them the truth but complications arise especially when she falls for the victim's brother. Predictable but warm hearted with grand humour. It isn't littered with lame cheap sex scenes but rather it concentrates on the relationships. Directed by Jon Turteltaub in what appears to be a homage to the classic Audrey Hepburn films. Bullock is endearing in her dilemma. Bill Pullman is charming in his retrain. Peter Gallagher is hilarious as the coma victim who awakens to a life he doesn't recall. Jack Warden plays the family godfather who knows Lucy's secret but his attempts to set things straight are often botched. Finally Michael Rispoli adds a great degree of hysterics her landlord's son, a slob with good intentions. A beautiful portrait of family that gives the indication that while you were sleeping through the likes of Fair Game, Turteltaub was busy with a film that is worth staying awake for. Score: 9 / 10