White God

2015 "The unwanted will have their day."
6.8| 2h1m| R| en

13 year old Lili fights to protect her dog Hagen, and is devastated when her father sets Hagen free on the streets. Still innocently believing love can conquer any difficulty, Lili sets out to save her dog. Failing in his desperate efforts to find his beloved owner, Hagen joins a canine revolt leading a revolution against their human abusers.


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Also starring Zsófia Psotta


Dorathen Better Late Then Never
SteinMo What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
jeffdiggy This movie was pretty pointless. Acting, mediocre. Story, pointless. Movie, pointless. The ONLY reason I can fathom it got any awards is for the performance of the DOGS! I mean that...literally. Disconnected movie. And WHY the title?? The movie didn't seem to know what it wanted to be...a 'Ben' type of movie where the rat takes over...the Pied Piper of Hamlin where music tames the savage beast...or even some kind of statement of the wrongs of animal cruelty or Planet Of the Apes scenario with dogs instead of "monkeys" ( which the Chimpanzees didn't like being called). It was just a poor excuse for a movie. Never delved into why the dogs followed Hagen, the chief canine. Never delved into why all the dogs were somehow rabid (was it the nasty water they drank??). It just made no sense at all.
busterkuri I might as well say this upfront: it is extremely likely you won't make it through White God. An early scene where the main character's father slaughters a cow, guts and all, seems to exist simply to nauseate and warn the viewer before it gets to the realistic animal abuse.But if you can keep with it, White God will leave a mark on you.After Lili's father forcibly throws out her dog, Hagen, the dog is forced to survive on the streets, getting thrown between abusive people until he snaps and releases a shelter's worth of dogs, leading to the film's memorable climax.This is the kind of movie that spends a lot of time on dogs having serious moments. It's the kind of thing that sets itself up for failure, but works so well. Simple scenes like Hagen trying to cross a busy road, lying on a couch, or running down a road carry a lot of emotional power. I don't think it's fair to say that Body/Luke, the dogs playing Hagen, are good actors, but there is plenty of faith by the director that they can carry a scene, and they can, managing to keep up the movie's serious tone that feels like Homeward Bound remade for hard realism.But then the movie's climax hits and the tone changes, becoming more like a horror movie. And with Hagen's shift played throughout the movie, he is a perfect horror monster. He's frighteningly good at killing and maiming, while also never losing the viewers' sympathy. This sets up for the final scene between Lili and her fallen dog, which will very likely resonate with any dog-lover as much as the hard violence and abuse does.The movie does have a couple flaws. The camera-work, especially in the earlier parts, is overly shaky and made me nauseous at times. Every scene seems to have been filmed on a hand-held camera and it's hard to watch. Lili's plot line in the movie also feels like it's missing something. The young actress does a fine job, but she's left to do little but wander around aimlessly until Hagen shows up again. A good portion of her scenes could've been cut out without negatively affecting the movie.White God is a hard sell, but for those who make it through, it will have been worth it.
Kevin Lea Davies If you're a dog lover, then you'll probably love this title. It received a lot of praise at an international film festival in my hometown.The movie is about a teenage girl who is attached to her mongrel dog. Her estranged father is put into the position of caretaker of both, and he doesn't get along with the dog, putting tension on their already tenuous relationship. The film does a very good job of showing the difficulties in raising children in broken homes, and how we form bonds with the animals we love.The film then switches gears and becomes more centered around the topic of animal cruelty. As the focus transitions onto Hagen the dog, and the movie becomes more about him than his human family. I think this was very important, because no film I've ever seen that focuses on an animal as a main character has ever centered on the topic animal cruelty. Usually it's some family fun movie about lost animals finding there way home, or a horror story about a rottweiler cyborg killing people, but this was a much more serious approach. I even saw a few teary eyes in the theater.Then, unfortunately, the film makes another switch and turns into utter ridiculousness. The dogs then seek revenge on their cruel masters, shunning thousands of years of evolution to become wolf like hunters that require the police and army to step in, as citizens cower in terror of dogs roaming the streets in packs.This is where I think the film fails most. They turned a movie that could have really brought attention on animal welfare, into something more like a bad Cujo ripoff. This film does such an excellent job of bringing about tough scenes of human cruelty towards an animal that can be someone's best friend, and then turns it into something cheesy and silly, and completely unbelievable. The movie could have said a lot on behalf of animals that are taken advantage of, treated poorly, and physically abused by people. Even abused animals can be redeemed and are capable of love, and it would have been beautiful to show that.5/10
sirako First, It's a very difficult movie to watch, if you are a dog lever above all, don't watch it.And; while it shows a great effort both at film-making and in dog training, the movie lacks of a lot of things that could make it a great experience: 1) Doesn't feel real: Even the weirdest stories placed in the future or in an imaginary place, need to feel real. Here there are some characters that make it very difficult.2) Is too long and painful: And don't get me wrong, I know there are lots of people suffering cause the dogs are also suffering, but, what I mean is that it could be more specific, and less painful to watch, they spend too much time with the girl and the dog apart, so it feels false, and it hurts, specially when you want to experience what the director wanted, but it's just not there.3) They don't spend time where they should: some scenes are perfect, and I appreciate it, cause other way I wouldn't have finished watching, but others needed more time, specially all Lili's interactions and reactions.4) It feels just crazy: There's no actual beauty in the film, except for the first ten minutes, after that, it feels like a maniac directed this, with a lot of rage in his heart and convincing people that they would teach a lesson, they did, do not watch this movie again.